Look! Look!

Lookie What I Found here!
..after i was geledah-ing my drawers..

time aku duk bohsan2,aku pon bergerak ke tempat yg jrg ku singgahi, haha..my drawers, long story shorted, aku tgh2 geledah tu, jumpe byk mende, ala2 kenangan a...tapi bersepah2 dlm drawer tuh, aku pon kutep2, here they are:

[Geledah barang senirik malam2 bute, tade keje ke?]

anyway..let's start with :

  1. it's a sampol surat, and of coz, ade surat kat dlm..to whom? to EMINEM! isn't that obvious? surat yg aku wrote, on Jan 7th 2006, aku takkan bgtau dgr detailnye ape yg aku tules...yg pasti..mcm lawak n ke-stupid-o aku aku terserlah..haha..lawak cam cipan!aku write pasal lagu2 dy, n how i get it that every letters reach his house says almost the same thing, "I love your songs" ,"I'm a big Fan of yours!" bla bla bla..haha.. bunyik cam aku memahami gile, tapi..ye a..da berjuta surat da aku tules kat eminem tu, tapi sehabok pon aku tak post..ntah hape2.
  2. ok..the second one is a letter too..wrote by me..and i got no idea who's the recipient! aku cam blurr gile bace surat aku senirik kes, bunyik cam dlm surat tu..aku cam di tudoh a copy cat of someone's art, and then..i might be close to her [of coz la "her", kes brg2 ni brg2 time aku duk maahad dulu] coz tak pasal2 aku mintak nak balik umah dy minggu tu kes OIAM final, ntah hape2, aku tak igt langsung sape, sumpah! sesape yg rase akn dirinya adalah the rightful recipient, plz tell me, end my curiousity!####EDITED####aku tau da sape! hahahaha...aku tau dah sape recipient dy! it's NYLA! haha! at last! my CURIOUSITY has end!thanks!
  3. oh number 3 is cool thing! barang redaxi! hahaha.. tu gambr Abg Faisal! hahah..dulu aku ade sscandal ngan dy..haha..[tak pasal2 claim ade scandal ngan org yg ade anak bini da time tuh].. bukan scandal "scandal" la.. aku cam dianggap special sket dikalang set2 redaxi, menurut dorunk, mereka xpenah rapat ngan abg faisal mcm aku rapat ngan dy, hihi... ni bangge ni, abg faisal tuh, siap offer nak tgkp gmbr aku, alone, gune cam yg duk tgkap gmbr budak2 kelas tuh..perrgh..jeles habes set2 ni...terutama sekali Nabilah, adek Kak Nadiah, hahaha... ok ok.. nak citer sket..aku ditugas kan pgg payong utk abg faisal, uhukk.. ntah cne ntah..aku rase tetibe cam nak rehat jap, n aku bagi a nabilah pgg, nabilah cam hepi gile..then patu, abg faisal cam benti jap tgkap gmbr, patu di cari2 aku, hahaha, nabilah cam piloo gile... tak psal2 abg faisal nak aku gak yg payongkan dy..ntah hape2... tak cukop ngan tu..dy pggel aku gune sounds "chups" tuh..perghh..habes satu redaxi terkezot..hahaha..
  4. ok item no.4 , aku not sure sape yg kasik..same ade Minoh or Aten or neither of them, cntu a..yg pasti.. bunyik dy mcm ni senanye "if you love me...plz let me go ---> TOILET [nak kencing ni]" hahaha... yg anak pnh tu ..kene tgk belakang tisu tu la..oh yeah! tu tisu! budak2 maahad ni cretip tayah nak ckp a.. thp manusia2 yg duk dlm penjare tuh..hahaha
  5. Item number 5, yeap! that's K.Atul, owh dulu mcm men minat2 lah gak..tapi aku lupe cne aku leyh dpt gmbr tuh, and aku tatau kalo aku yg uker "MUCHACAS" kat ats tu, or it's already there, anyway..aku lupe nak rotate gmbr tuh, so sudi2 lah mengrotatekan kepale masing2 ye. ok FYI, Muchacas tu nick name dy, and aku lupe cne dy dpt.. Long Story shorted, aku dulu minat K.Atul ni, time aku peralihan, patu.. bile dy dpt tahu yg aku ni minat dy, dy mcm tak suke ke hape ntah, yg pasti..aku igt lagi tarikh yg dy start distance ngan aku, huhu..kes aku salu kire brape hari da aku gadoh ngan dy, ntah hape2 je, anyway..nak tau ke? well.. it's exact 1 May 2003, kes time tu mcm ade ocassion gitu, dorunk sambut bday party ramai2 gitu. ntah..nvrmind, aku da baik da ngan dy, time aku pegi umah k.mimi, n aku tepon dy..we're okay now!
  6. well...item no.6, it's a bday "card" and frenship day card too..2 in1 la katekan [aku ckp da! budak maahad ni kretip!] from Nani, adek Fa, cute gile tusan dy kan kan? [rotatekan kepale anda atau screen computer anda, aku mls nak rotate n upload sekali lagih] nak details ke? tayah a... kalo nak..tilik a gmbr tu dlm2..tgk ape yg anda leyh bace...huhu
  7. item no.7 is a book! a novel maybe, watever you call it! Nancy Drew on Campus something like that a... buku ni aku pinjam rasenye...tapi tak pulang2.. dlm buku tu tules, name K.Asma', tapi tak silap aku, aku pinjam ngan org len, n aku tatau ngn sape aku pinjam, [aku ni mm btol2 ilg igtan ke ek? haha..habes sume mende tak igt..owh lupe, aku ni tak suke it mende2 tak penting...hahaha..even mende penting pon aku jarang2 nak igt..esp. sejarah..!]
  8. well..last item..last but not least, and handmade+photostate+card-like letter, from Anith Aminuddin, aku tak brape igt bile dy actually kasik..yg aku tau..time tu dy pindah da.. and tak silap aku, dy bg hand-to-hand, time dy dtg melawat aku n frens kat maahad, owh..Anith syg gile aku..hahah [btol la kan?] huhu.. anyway, dy kasik kad tu kat sume org, set2 SBP Intergom yg buat, well, something from her place to remind us of her, cool je.

well...that's about it! nnt kalo aku geledah lagi, aku post la lagih,! see ya! dah dkt kol 2pagi..aku mmg tade life langsung!

Memories Never Dies!

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