well, well, utk testing layout baru aku ni, aku terpakse la wat format blogging yg seswai ngan layout, ermm, kalo nak ikotkan, aku salu wat topic, subtopic, then bru beleter mengarot mengaban, tapi skunk, zaman da berubah, dunie da maju, bak kate iklan brite harian, mihahaha, well, kepade sesiape yg membace akn tusan tgn ku ini, silelah, berkerjasame mencabot undi utk keadilan rakyat dan juga bangse, idop XXX! [no political allowed here, hehe, but u know what i mean] sile lah check di footer blog aku, akan ade poll, then vote for your life! i mean, aku tgh testing je skunk, kalo siyesly aku dpt feedback yg cukop memberansangkan, errm, i mean, yg superbly membantah akan prubahan ini, aku bersedia utk menukarkan nye kembali ke bentok asal, [gilaaak skema text], yg pasti, be honest, just tell me what suits me.hihi
dedicated to Anip [nak sgt, haha]
Benarkan ku 'tuk berbicara...
Bicara terus ke hati mu... Hati mu...
Hati yang penuh rasa ragu
Jangan terus pergi
Tanpa mendengar ku
Mungkin mudah
Untuk kau terus berlalu
Nanti dulu
Berikanlah waktu
Untuk aku, untuk kamu
Ingatkah lagi waktu kau bersama ku
Kaku aku melihat mu
Lidah kelu sedangkan aku
Mahu kau tahu
Aku cinta pada mu
Benci pada mu
Cinta pada mu
Ke tepi lihat ku berlalu
Pasti itu yang terbaik untuk ku
Tiada lagi mahu ku tahu
Tentang hidup kamu
Tentang mati kamu
Aku tahu
Engkau tahu apa yang mata ku tahu
Apa yang kau tunggu
Mahu aku buka pintu?
Ingatkah lagi waktu kau bersama ku
Kaku aku melihat mu
Sedang aku mahu kau tahu
Dengar kata ku
Aku cinta pada mu
Benci pada mu
Cinta pada mu
Sakitnya aku
Membenci kamu
Sakit lagi mencintai mu
Dan aku pergi
Tapi kembali
Benci aku mencintai diri mu
Ku benci... Kamu
Ku cinta... Kamu
Annoying Guy
or just questions?
well2, aku nak memblogging sal mamat xxxxxx ni, [bukan name sebenar], whom i've know for a while, thru YM, n his ID were given to me, from a friend, namely xxxx [namanya dirahsiakan, sesiape trase, senyap sudeyh], well, i am reaaaaally looking forward to get to know this guy, yeah, pretty excited, coz he's kinda in the population of one of my fav criteria, which is xxxxxxx, [the x's means, it need to be unrelated to the certain person]
he seems nice, but then, really get annoying, but im not a bad person, i kept it to myself, and just not taking anything seriously, well, soon, he's kinda gets on my nerves, i cant help it, just to be straight to the point, telling him, what i reaaaly think of him
it started when he's starting to ask me anything of everything that i typed in my YM status, well, the very lucky day today, i typed in, "AU TANG MAI" i'll explain the meaning later.now, let's move on to the very madly chat we've made.
xxxxxx: u tang mai?
xxxxxx: oi?
xxxxxx: eh.
xxxxxx: pa maksud tu?
xxxxxx: u tang mai?
Han Nyu-Yoo: why must ask?
Han Nyu-Yoo: i also dont know
Han Nyu-Yoo: i just type it in
Han Nyu-Yoo: no reason
xxxxxx: ok........................
xxxxxx: u ask me y must ask. i also answer u i ask 4 no reason also.
xxxxxx: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: can you not do that again?
Han Nyu-Yoo: i dont like it
xxxxxx: ok la.... boring ba.... akak.
xxxxxx: haha
xxxxxx: opss, bukan akak tapi anti
Han Nyu-Yoo: go ask anything on someone else's status la
Han Nyu-Yoo: not mine
Han Nyu-Yoo: hey, you've gone overboard
xxxxxx: o ask oredy.
Han Nyu-Yoo: i dont like you
Han Nyu-Yoo: really
Han Nyu-Yoo: that's it
Han Nyu-Yoo: i said it
xxxxxx: just kidding ba.....
Han Nyu-Yoo: not liking it
Han Nyu-Yoo: n not funny
Han Nyu-Yoo: at all
xxxxxx: y? putus cinta ke? cptnye marah.
Han Nyu-Yoo: you always got something to ask, what are u? a FAQ guy?
xxxxxx: a curious guy
Han Nyu-Yoo: well, they say, curiousity kill the cat
Han Nyu-Yoo: you soon be killed la kot
xxxxxx: klah......
xxxxxx: sory lo.....
Han Nyu-Yoo: i tell u a story of a guy, that alwaaaaays ask me some random and stupid n cluless question
Han Nyu-Yoo: do u know what i did to him?
Han Nyu-Yoo: i block him, and delete him from everything that he's on it
Han Nyu-Yoo: realy, i warn you this time
Han Nyu-Yoo: u dont need to ask, to start a conversation
Han Nyu-Yoo: that's gets annoying
xxxxxx: sory lo..............
xxxxxx: bye, gudnite. nanti kena block.
Han Nyu-Yoo: apology accepted
Han Nyu-Yoo: just dont do that , ever again
well, see? mari kite lihat apekah pandangan kwn kite sorg ni, ash
ashtray: apsal ko garang sangat
ashtray: ngeri gile ak bace
ashtray: aku menghayati setiap bait yg ko ckp
ashtray: fuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: haha
ashtray: mengayat hati
Han Nyu-Yoo: why why why in world he must ask anything on my status??
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy akan tye, stiap mende aku tules,
Han Nyu-Yoo: not missing any one of them
Han Nyu-Yoo: really
Han Nyu-Yoo: garang ek?
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy off da kot
ashtray: ko tules pe tu
ashtray: ak pn ta paham
ashtray: no wonder de tnye
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku pon tak phm
Han Nyu-Yoo: tapi tak perlu la tye
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: au tang mai, thai mali maaa,
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku nonton choc
Han Nyu-Yoo: ade dy ckp pekataaan tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku tules je
ashtray: hahasengal gile
ashtray: ak kalo org cmtu
ashtray: ak delete
ashtray: n block
ashtray: sorry to say
ashtray: u're to annoy
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: tapi, rase tabest plak
Han Nyu-Yoo: kes aku yg add dy
Han Nyu-Yoo: well, we never know a person, untill we get to know him right
ashtray: la dah de annoy sgt
ashtray: ye ah
Han Nyu-Yoo: but i do know now, he's annoying
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahah
Han Nyu-Yoo: btol2
Han Nyu-Yoo: thank you asiah, i lap you!
ashtray: i lap u more
see?? everyone thinks so [ceyh,padahal asiah je yg setuju, teteibe da everyone] well, asiah is my "everyone", the only person that can confirm everything i ask, thanks so much asiah, you rock like a hurricane laa!haha
p/s: aku suke gile part, yg FAQ guy tuh, haha, mcm tetibe je terlintas ke jantong hati aku, haha, mcm best je bash org cntu, haha
xxx the end xxx
or just questions?
well2, aku nak memblogging sal mamat xxxxxx ni, [bukan name sebenar], whom i've know for a while, thru YM, n his ID were given to me, from a friend, namely xxxx [namanya dirahsiakan, sesiape trase, senyap sudeyh], well, i am reaaaaally looking forward to get to know this guy, yeah, pretty excited, coz he's kinda in the population of one of my fav criteria, which is xxxxxxx, [the x's means, it need to be unrelated to the certain person]
he seems nice, but then, really get annoying, but im not a bad person, i kept it to myself, and just not taking anything seriously, well, soon, he's kinda gets on my nerves, i cant help it, just to be straight to the point, telling him, what i reaaaly think of him
it started when he's starting to ask me anything of everything that i typed in my YM status, well, the very lucky day today, i typed in, "AU TANG MAI" i'll explain the meaning later.now, let's move on to the very madly chat we've made.
xxxxxx: u tang mai?
xxxxxx: oi?
xxxxxx: eh.
xxxxxx: pa maksud tu?
xxxxxx: u tang mai?
Han Nyu-Yoo: why must ask?
Han Nyu-Yoo: i also dont know
Han Nyu-Yoo: i just type it in
Han Nyu-Yoo: no reason
xxxxxx: ok........................
xxxxxx: u ask me y must ask. i also answer u i ask 4 no reason also.
xxxxxx: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: can you not do that again?
Han Nyu-Yoo: i dont like it
xxxxxx: ok la.... boring ba.... akak.
xxxxxx: haha
xxxxxx: opss, bukan akak tapi anti
Han Nyu-Yoo: go ask anything on someone else's status la
Han Nyu-Yoo: not mine
Han Nyu-Yoo: hey, you've gone overboard
xxxxxx: o ask oredy.
Han Nyu-Yoo: i dont like you
Han Nyu-Yoo: really
Han Nyu-Yoo: that's it
Han Nyu-Yoo: i said it
xxxxxx: just kidding ba.....
Han Nyu-Yoo: not liking it
Han Nyu-Yoo: n not funny
Han Nyu-Yoo: at all
xxxxxx: y? putus cinta ke? cptnye marah.
Han Nyu-Yoo: you always got something to ask, what are u? a FAQ guy?
xxxxxx: a curious guy
Han Nyu-Yoo: well, they say, curiousity kill the cat
Han Nyu-Yoo: you soon be killed la kot
xxxxxx: klah......
xxxxxx: sory lo.....
Han Nyu-Yoo: i tell u a story of a guy, that alwaaaaays ask me some random and stupid n cluless question
Han Nyu-Yoo: do u know what i did to him?
Han Nyu-Yoo: i block him, and delete him from everything that he's on it
Han Nyu-Yoo: realy, i warn you this time
Han Nyu-Yoo: u dont need to ask, to start a conversation
Han Nyu-Yoo: that's gets annoying
xxxxxx: sory lo..............
xxxxxx: bye, gudnite. nanti kena block.
Han Nyu-Yoo: apology accepted
Han Nyu-Yoo: just dont do that , ever again
well, see? mari kite lihat apekah pandangan kwn kite sorg ni, ash
ashtray: apsal ko garang sangat
ashtray: ngeri gile ak bace
ashtray: aku menghayati setiap bait yg ko ckp
ashtray: fuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: haha
ashtray: mengayat hati
Han Nyu-Yoo: why why why in world he must ask anything on my status??
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy akan tye, stiap mende aku tules,
Han Nyu-Yoo: not missing any one of them
Han Nyu-Yoo: really
Han Nyu-Yoo: garang ek?
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy off da kot
ashtray: ko tules pe tu
ashtray: ak pn ta paham
ashtray: no wonder de tnye
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku pon tak phm
Han Nyu-Yoo: tapi tak perlu la tye
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: au tang mai, thai mali maaa,
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku nonton choc
Han Nyu-Yoo: ade dy ckp pekataaan tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku tules je
ashtray: hahasengal gile
ashtray: ak kalo org cmtu
ashtray: ak delete
ashtray: n block
ashtray: sorry to say
ashtray: u're to annoy
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: tapi, rase tabest plak
Han Nyu-Yoo: kes aku yg add dy
Han Nyu-Yoo: well, we never know a person, untill we get to know him right
ashtray: la dah de annoy sgt
ashtray: ye ah
Han Nyu-Yoo: but i do know now, he's annoying
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahah
Han Nyu-Yoo: btol2
Han Nyu-Yoo: thank you asiah, i lap you!
ashtray: i lap u more
see?? everyone thinks so [ceyh,padahal asiah je yg setuju, teteibe da everyone] well, asiah is my "everyone", the only person that can confirm everything i ask, thanks so much asiah, you rock like a hurricane laa!haha
p/s: aku suke gile part, yg FAQ guy tuh, haha, mcm tetibe je terlintas ke jantong hati aku, haha, mcm best je bash org cntu, haha
xxx the end xxx
Driving Lesson
Lesson 9
hot news!
ade pepatah mengatakan, "kepala gatal , boleyh digaru, manusie "gatal" jangan digaru" oh, anyway, tu pepatah aku reka senirik, hihi, well, oleyh kerane aku tamo eloborate citer hangat di malaysia ni dlm bentok karangan tak formal, so, aku copy paste yg aku chat ngan sahabat handai ku, anip, huhu
Han Nyu-Yoo: wess, arini kan, cegu yg aja aku tu, gile gatal wess
anip_aku: diye wat pe kat ko ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: hihi
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp lucah2 ngan aku
Han Nyu-Yoo: huurrmm
anip_aku: fulmak
anip_aku: org tue ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: a'a
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp , dy gurau2 je
anip_aku: gatal gile glenya
anip_aku: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: leyh je nak gurau, tapi gurau lucah ? no!
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp aku gemok tau
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy tu kuros
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu dy ckp
anip_aku: dy ajak ko kawen ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: x,dy nak sket bdn aku tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu dy tye aku
Han Nyu-Yoo: part mane yg aku nak kasik?
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku pon ckp je la, "mane2 je la"
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu, dy tye lagih
Han Nyu-Yoo: part mane yg aku tak kasik amek
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku mmg mls tau nak layan,
Han Nyu-Yoo: harapkan dy tu cegu,
Han Nyu-Yoo: kang aku sound [mcm la brani] kang, tetibe dy failkan aku ke hape ke kan
anip_aku: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy tye byk kali, sampai aku jwb tau
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku pon ckp, part muke
anip_aku: ko dah ckap ngn mum ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: dah, mak aku soh tendang penis dy
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahahah
anip_aku: ahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: tapi ayt mak aku kasar la
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahahha
anip_aku: memng
anip_aku: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: nnt2
Han Nyu-Yoo: ade part best nak citer ni
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: bile aku ckp part muke je aku tanak kasik kan, dy pon ckp
Han Nyu-Yoo: "owh, sy nak due tu je, yg len tape la"
Han Nyu-Yoo: "awk phm ke ape "due tu" tu?"
Han Nyu-Yoo: gile
Han Nyu-Yoo: nak breast aku la tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: gile pakcik tuh
anip_aku: ahaha
anip_aku: gatal siot
Han Nyu-Yoo: haha, dy ckp muke aku mcm bini org, rugi ak tak ngaku je aku ni bini org
Han Nyu-Yoo: hihi
Han Nyu-Yoo: dah la mate cegu tu juling
anip_aku: juling ???
Han Nyu-Yoo: a'a
anip_aku: x kantoi la ye ngendap org ek
Han Nyu-Yoo: tak sanggop gak ngumpat cegu ni, tapi, over gile kan?
anip_aku: haha
anip_aku: haha
anip_aku: betol3
anip_aku: sngat2 over
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu,aku sje tye
Han Nyu-Yoo: "da cegu ade bini ke dop?"
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu dy senyap owh!
Han Nyu-Yoo: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp slow je
anip_aku: dop agi ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: "tadok"
anip_aku: no wonder
anip_aku: ahahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu aku ckp la "siyes?"
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp, "ade, tapi putus doh"
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku kate "ptus? gane? putus mcm boifren gefren ke?"
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu dy kate
Han Nyu-Yoo: "da bakpe awk nak tau? trus trg a ngan saye"
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy igt aku nak kat dy la tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: bullshit tpl cegu tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku igt no keter dy, 23!
anip_aku: ko x cakap ko nak kat ye ??
anip_aku: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: tak de la
haha, should i report this as sexual harassment? haha, well, aku actually amek kesempatan atas kegatalan dy tu, haha, alang2 gatal2 ngan aku tuh, leyh la mintak dy tulun mempercepatkan turn ak utk dpt keter sok, hihi, tatau la kalo dy nak tolong ke tak, pikir2 balik, mcm tanak la plak, kang dy sambong lagi part2 badan2 aku yg dy nak, selame sejam aku nek keter ngan dy, mende tuuuuuuuh je yg dy ckp, mcm tade mende len, ntah hape2 la, dy ckp, "sye gurau2 je, jangan amek letak dlm prot, kang kembong prot," patu dy ckp, "awk exercise x?"
aku ckp, "x", patu dy bebel2, soh aku exercise, amboi, ckp cam kenal sgt2 da aku ni, aku tak phm la, nape ade je manusie leyh sentoh bab sensitif, n ckp mcm tade pasaan, aku tak kesah nak ckp aku gemok, da mmg aku gemok, tapi, kalo ko tak kenal sesorg tuh, takkan ko leyh men hembos je mane yg ko rase nak kan? ade ke manusie cntu?
huuu. anyway, tu je kot for today, yg pasti arini best belajar keter, finally, aku dpt wat parking, bukan sebelom ni aku takleyh wat,aku tak penah wat, cegu not willing to teach me laa, kes aku nye bukit, cm kureng, well, arini gak cegu mcm put his trust on me, kasik aku bwk keter sorg2, nek bukit sorg2, n parking sorg2, hihi, suke2, walopon tggu lame gak arini, tapi aku puas hati gak a, dpt wat 2 jam arini, kerani tuh ckp "anything for you, ain" haha, suke2 gak.
hot news!
ade pepatah mengatakan, "kepala gatal , boleyh digaru, manusie "gatal" jangan digaru" oh, anyway, tu pepatah aku reka senirik, hihi, well, oleyh kerane aku tamo eloborate citer hangat di malaysia ni dlm bentok karangan tak formal, so, aku copy paste yg aku chat ngan sahabat handai ku, anip, huhu
Han Nyu-Yoo: wess, arini kan, cegu yg aja aku tu, gile gatal wess
anip_aku: diye wat pe kat ko ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: hihi
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp lucah2 ngan aku
Han Nyu-Yoo: huurrmm
anip_aku: fulmak
anip_aku: org tue ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: a'a
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp , dy gurau2 je
anip_aku: gatal gile glenya
anip_aku: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: leyh je nak gurau, tapi gurau lucah ? no!
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp aku gemok tau
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy tu kuros
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu dy ckp
anip_aku: dy ajak ko kawen ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: x,dy nak sket bdn aku tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu dy tye aku
Han Nyu-Yoo: part mane yg aku nak kasik?
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku pon ckp je la, "mane2 je la"
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu, dy tye lagih
Han Nyu-Yoo: part mane yg aku tak kasik amek
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku mmg mls tau nak layan,
Han Nyu-Yoo: harapkan dy tu cegu,
Han Nyu-Yoo: kang aku sound [mcm la brani] kang, tetibe dy failkan aku ke hape ke kan
anip_aku: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy tye byk kali, sampai aku jwb tau
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku pon ckp, part muke
anip_aku: ko dah ckap ngn mum ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: dah, mak aku soh tendang penis dy
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahahah
anip_aku: ahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: tapi ayt mak aku kasar la
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahahha
anip_aku: memng
anip_aku: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: nnt2
Han Nyu-Yoo: ade part best nak citer ni
Han Nyu-Yoo: hahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: bile aku ckp part muke je aku tanak kasik kan, dy pon ckp
Han Nyu-Yoo: "owh, sy nak due tu je, yg len tape la"
Han Nyu-Yoo: "awk phm ke ape "due tu" tu?"
Han Nyu-Yoo: gile
Han Nyu-Yoo: nak breast aku la tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: gile pakcik tuh
anip_aku: ahaha
anip_aku: gatal siot
Han Nyu-Yoo: haha, dy ckp muke aku mcm bini org, rugi ak tak ngaku je aku ni bini org
Han Nyu-Yoo: hihi
Han Nyu-Yoo: dah la mate cegu tu juling
anip_aku: juling ???
Han Nyu-Yoo: a'a
anip_aku: x kantoi la ye ngendap org ek
Han Nyu-Yoo: tak sanggop gak ngumpat cegu ni, tapi, over gile kan?
anip_aku: haha
anip_aku: haha
anip_aku: betol3
anip_aku: sngat2 over
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu,aku sje tye
Han Nyu-Yoo: "da cegu ade bini ke dop?"
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu dy senyap owh!
Han Nyu-Yoo: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp slow je
anip_aku: dop agi ??
Han Nyu-Yoo: "tadok"
anip_aku: no wonder
anip_aku: ahahaha
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu aku ckp la "siyes?"
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy ckp, "ade, tapi putus doh"
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku kate "ptus? gane? putus mcm boifren gefren ke?"
Han Nyu-Yoo: patu dy kate
Han Nyu-Yoo: "da bakpe awk nak tau? trus trg a ngan saye"
Han Nyu-Yoo: dy igt aku nak kat dy la tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: bullshit tpl cegu tuh
Han Nyu-Yoo: aku igt no keter dy, 23!
anip_aku: ko x cakap ko nak kat ye ??
anip_aku: haha
Han Nyu-Yoo: tak de la
haha, should i report this as sexual harassment? haha, well, aku actually amek kesempatan atas kegatalan dy tu, haha, alang2 gatal2 ngan aku tuh, leyh la mintak dy tulun mempercepatkan turn ak utk dpt keter sok, hihi, tatau la kalo dy nak tolong ke tak, pikir2 balik, mcm tanak la plak, kang dy sambong lagi part2 badan2 aku yg dy nak, selame sejam aku nek keter ngan dy, mende tuuuuuuuh je yg dy ckp, mcm tade mende len, ntah hape2 la, dy ckp, "sye gurau2 je, jangan amek letak dlm prot, kang kembong prot," patu dy ckp, "awk exercise x?"
aku ckp, "x", patu dy bebel2, soh aku exercise, amboi, ckp cam kenal sgt2 da aku ni, aku tak phm la, nape ade je manusie leyh sentoh bab sensitif, n ckp mcm tade pasaan, aku tak kesah nak ckp aku gemok, da mmg aku gemok, tapi, kalo ko tak kenal sesorg tuh, takkan ko leyh men hembos je mane yg ko rase nak kan? ade ke manusie cntu?
huuu. anyway, tu je kot for today, yg pasti arini best belajar keter, finally, aku dpt wat parking, bukan sebelom ni aku takleyh wat,aku tak penah wat, cegu not willing to teach me laa, kes aku nye bukit, cm kureng, well, arini gak cegu mcm put his trust on me, kasik aku bwk keter sorg2, nek bukit sorg2, n parking sorg2, hihi, suke2, walopon tggu lame gak arini, tapi aku puas hati gak a, dpt wat 2 jam arini, kerani tuh ckp "anything for you, ain" haha, suke2 gak.
Star Stalker
Brad Pitt
how on earth that u get so charming??


*gulp, tarik nafas, mulot ternganga, air lior hamper terleleh, mate hamper juling*
hahaha, gilaaaak charming manusie ni, why why why?? susah tol nak bile nak google gmbr brad pitt ni, rambang mate, tatau nak pilih mane satu, haha, sume AWESOME! haha
aku bru lepas tonton benjamin button, owh, aku tanak wat review kat sini, tapi, suke sgt nonton citer yg brad pitt blakon, miahhahahaha, da manusie hensem cntu, sape tanak nonton kan?? hihi
lepas tonton tuh, aku pon jdi curios case of benjamin button gak la kan, owh, i mean, curious, haha, aku search la sejarah idop brad pitt ni, sje suke2, well, dy blakon to nearly 61 film/tv show/movies, and, walopon aku rase mcm most of it aku da tonton, tapi, aku tau juge, ade byk lagih yg aku tak tonton, i wasnt planning on watching them all, tapi, if i had to, i will la! haha
here the listed, i crossed out yg mane aku da tonton, dgn tusan biru, yg blom publish ngan warne maroon, yg aku tak berminat utk tonton, ngan kaler yellow, n yg uncredited ngan kaler hijo, hihi
1. The Odyssey (2012) (announced) (rumored)
2. The Sparrow (2010) (announced) (rumored)
3. The Lost City of Z (2010) (announced) .... Col. Percy Fawcett
4. Moneyball (2011) (pre-production) .... Billy Beane
5. The Tree of Life (2010) (post-production)
6. Inglourious Basterds (2009) (post-production) .... Lt. Aldo Raine
7. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) .... Benjamin Button
8. Burn After Reading (2008) .... Chad Feldheimer
... aka Burn After Reading (France)
9. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) .... Jesse James
... aka L'assassinat de Jesse James par le lâche Robert Ford (Canada: French title)
... aka The Assassination of Jesse James (USA: short title)
10. Ocean's Thirteen (2007) .... Rusty Ryan
... aka 13 (USA: promotional abbreviation)
11. Babel (2006) .... Richard Jones
... aka Babel (France)
12. Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) .... John Smith
... aka Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Australia)
13. Ocean's Twelve (2004) .... Rusty Ryan
14. Troy (2004) .... Achilles
15. "King of the Hill" .... Patch Boomhauer (1 episode, 2003)
- Patch Boomhauer (2003) TV episode (voice) .... Patch Boomhauer
16. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003) (voice) .... Sinbad
17. "Freedom: A History of Us" .... Albigence Waldo / ... (5 episodes, 2003)
- A Fatal Contradiction (2003) TV episode .... William Lloyd Garrison
- A War to End Slavery (2003) TV episode .... John Russell Young
- Independence (2003) TV episode .... George Hewes
- Liberty for All (2003) TV episode .... James K. Polk
- Revolution (2003) TV episode .... Albigence Waldo
18. Full Frontal (2002) .... Brad / Himself
19. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) .... Brad, Bachelor #1
... aka Geständnisse - Confessions of a dangerous Mind (Germany)
20. Ocean's Eleven (2001) .... Rusty Ryan
... aka 11 (USA: promotional abbreviation)
... aka O11 (USA: informal short title)
21. "Friends" .... Will Colbert (1 episode, 2001)
- The One with the Rumor (2001) TV episode .... Will Colbert
22. Spy Game (2001) .... Tom Bishop
23. The Mexican (2001) .... Jerry Welbach
24. Snatch. (2000) .... Mickey O'Neil
25. Fight Club (1999) .... Tyler Durden
... aka Fight Club (Germany)
26. Meet Joe Black (1998) .... Joe Black / Young Man in Coffee Shop
27. The Dark Side of the Sun (1997) .... Rick
28. Seven Years in Tibet (1997) .... Heinrich Harrer
29. The Devil's Own (1997) .... Rory Devaney / Francis Austin McGuire
30. Sleepers (1996) .... Michael Sullivan
31. Twelve Monkeys (1995) .... Jeffrey Goines
32. Se7en (1995) .... Detective David Mills
33. Legends of the Fall (1994) .... Tristan Ludlow
34. Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994) .... Louis de Pointe du Lac
... aka Interview with the Vampire (USA: short title)
35. The Favor (1994) .... Elliott Fowler
... aka The Favour (UK)
... aka The Indecent Favour (Australia)
36. True Romance (1993) .... Floyd - Dick's Roommate
... aka Breakaway (Philippines: English title)
37. Kalifornia (1993) .... Early Grayce
38. A River Runs Through It (1992) .... Paul Maclean
39. "Tales from the Crypt" .... Billy (1 episode, 1992)
... aka "HBO's Tales from the Crypt"
- King of the Road (1992) TV episode .... Billy
40. Cool World (1992) .... Detective Frank Harris
41. Two-Fisted Tales (1992) (TV) .... Billy (segment "King of the Road")
42. Contact (1992) .... Cox
43. Johnny Suede (1991) .... Johnny Suede
44. Thelma & Louise (1991) .... J.D.
... aka Thelma & Louise (France)
45. Across the Tracks (1991) .... Joe Maloney
46. "Glory Days" .... Walker Lovejoy (6 episodes, 1990)
- Precursed (1990) TV episode .... Walker Lovejoy
- Tammy Tell Me True (1990) TV episode .... Walker Lovejoy
- Triggs Mistaken Identity Crisis (1990) TV episode .... Walker Lovejoy
- Whattya Wanna Do Tonight? (1990) TV episode .... Walker Lovejoy
- Blastin' Away the Blues (1990) TV episode .... Walker Lovejoy
47. Too Young to Die? (1990) (TV) .... Billy Canton
48. The Image (1990) (TV) .... Steve Black
49. "thirtysomething" .... Bernard (1 episode, 1989)
- Love and Sex (1989) TV episode .... Bernard
50. Cutting Class (1989) .... Dwight Ingalls
51. Happy Together (1989/I) .... Brian
52. "Growing Pains" .... Jeff / ... (2 episodes, 1987-1989)
- Feet of Clay (1989) TV episode .... Jonathan Keith
- Who's Zoomin' Who? (1987) TV episode .... Jeff
53. "Freddy's Nightmares" .... Rick Austin (1 episode, 1989)
... aka "Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series"
- Black Tickets (1989) TV episode .... Rick Austin
54. "Head of the Class" .... Chuck (1 episode, 1989)
- Partners (1989) TV episode .... Chuck
55. A Stoning in Fulham County (1988) (TV) .... Theodore 'Teddy' Johnson
56. "21 Jump Street" .... Peter (1 episode, 1988)
- Best Years of Your Life (1988) TV episode .... Peter
57. "Dallas" .... Randy (4 episodes, 1987-1988)
- Farlow's Follies (1988) TV episode .... Randy
- Marriage on the Rocks (1988) TV episode .... Randy
- Daddy's Little Darlin' (1987) TV episode .... Randy
- Brother, Can You Spare a Child? (1987) TV episode .... Randy
58. "Another World" (1964) TV series .... Chris (unknown episodes, 1987)
... aka "Another World: Bay City"
59. Less Than Zero (1987) (uncredited) .... Partygoer/Preppie Kid At Fight
60. No Man's Land (1987) (uncredited) .... Waiter
61. No Way Out (1987) (uncredited) (unconfirmed) .... Airport Cop
tak byk sgt da kalo aku nak kejar citer2 dy, miahhaha, ntah hape2, haha, citer2 yg dy blakon, sume best2, hihi, citer yg pling best, errmm, citer2 yg berkaler biru tuh la, hahaha, bru2 ni nonton dy dlm burn after reading, gilaaakk, brad pitt mati bodoooooow je, hahaha, mcm citer tu terlalu over! kejam ! hahaha,
Do you know that...
ok ok, ntah hape2 aku bebel kat sini, ntah la, nak tido da aku, haha,


*gulp, tarik nafas, mulot ternganga, air lior hamper terleleh, mate hamper juling*
hahaha, gilaaaak charming manusie ni, why why why?? susah tol nak bile nak google gmbr brad pitt ni, rambang mate, tatau nak pilih mane satu, haha, sume AWESOME! haha
aku bru lepas tonton benjamin button, owh, aku tanak wat review kat sini, tapi, suke sgt nonton citer yg brad pitt blakon, miahhahahaha, da manusie hensem cntu, sape tanak nonton kan?? hihi
lepas tonton tuh, aku pon jdi curios case of benjamin button gak la kan, owh, i mean, curious, haha, aku search la sejarah idop brad pitt ni, sje suke2, well, dy blakon to nearly 61 film/tv show/movies, and, walopon aku rase mcm most of it aku da tonton, tapi, aku tau juge, ade byk lagih yg aku tak tonton, i wasnt planning on watching them all, tapi, if i had to, i will la! haha
here the listed, i crossed out yg mane aku da tonton, dgn tusan biru, yg blom publish ngan warne maroon, yg aku tak berminat utk tonton, ngan kaler yellow, n yg uncredited ngan kaler hijo, hihi
9. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) .... Jesse James
... aka L'assassinat de Jesse James par le lâche Robert Ford (Canada: French title)
... aka The Assassination of Jesse James (USA: short title)
18. Full Frontal (2002) .... Brad / Himself
19. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) .... Brad, Bachelor #1
... aka Geständnisse - Confessions of a dangerous Mind (Germany)
24. Snatch. (2000) .... Mickey O'Neil
27. The Dark Side of the Sun (1997) .... Rick
28. Seven Years in Tibet (1997) .... Heinrich Harrer
29. The Devil's Own (1997) .... Rory Devaney / Francis Austin McGuire
30. Sleepers (1996) .... Michael Sullivan
32. Se7en (1995) .... Detective David Mills
35. The Favor (1994) .... Elliott Fowler
... aka The Favour (UK)
... aka The Indecent Favour (Australia)
36. True Romance (1993) .... Floyd - Dick's Roommate
... aka Breakaway (Philippines: English title)
37. Kalifornia (1993) .... Early Grayce
38. A River Runs Through It (1992) .... Paul Maclean
40. Cool World (1992) .... Detective Frank Harris
42. Contact (1992) .... Cox
43. Johnny Suede (1991) .... Johnny Suede
44. Thelma & Louise (1991) .... J.D.
... aka Thelma & Louise (France)
45. Across the Tracks (1991) .... Joe Maloney
47. Too Young to Die? (1990) (TV) .... Billy Canton
48. The Image (1990) (TV) .... Steve Black
50. Cutting Class (1989) .... Dwight Ingalls
51. Happy Together (1989/I) .... Brian
tak byk sgt da kalo aku nak kejar citer2 dy, miahhaha, ntah hape2, haha, citer2 yg dy blakon, sume best2, hihi, citer yg pling best, errmm, citer2 yg berkaler biru tuh la, hahaha, bru2 ni nonton dy dlm burn after reading, gilaaakk, brad pitt mati bodoooooow je, hahaha, mcm citer tu terlalu over! kejam ! hahaha,
Do you know that...
- brad pitt ni, vegetarian orgnye,
- he's 1st job is to wear a chiken suit, n sambot tetamu depan restoran
- dy n ex-wife jennifer aniston bertemu on a blind date, arrange by their agent
- wedding ring jennifer designed by brad pitt
- wedding dorunk menghabiskan 1 million usd
- gaji brad pitt dlm citer ocean eleven, 30 juta
- ade pompuan psyco masok dlm umah brad pitt kat hollywood area, nek kot tingkap, n nyorok dlm bilik brad pitt selame 10 jam, pakai bju pitt, then pompuan tuh, lepas tuh, kene tgkap, n must be 100 yard far from brad pitt for 3 years,
- walopon dy ni drop-off skul, tapi dy minat dlm bidang architechture [wow, smgat aku nak jdi architech pas ni, hihi] , and "has helped the National Trust for Historic Preservation raise money to purchase Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House for $7.5 million."
ok ok, ntah hape2 aku bebel kat sini, ntah la, nak tido da aku, haha,
Driving Lesson
Lesson 6, 7 , & 8
lalala Lessons
ok ok, lately, macam best je pegi Bitara, well, bukan sbb Bitara tu yg best, tapi, well, there's something else for sure, haha, ok ok, maybe one of the reasons, aku finally dpt bwk keter jaoh dr kwsan umah to skolah aku, hahaha, and ade sorg cegu tu, laki la, mcm best gile cre dy aja aku, dy put his trust on me, when i did say that aku tak brape reti nak bawak keter, n mungkin tak brape yakin bawak keter atas jalan raye, haha, dy ckp , "tape, kite slow2 a" ok then! kite slow2 la nmpk nye, hihi,
then, aku do mcm, amazingly everything's [well, almost] right, hihi, walopon ade gak 2-3 kali mati enjin time kat traffic light, haha,tapi cegu tu dgn tenang je ckp " haaa, kan da jam kat blakang tuh", then cegu tu aja nek bukit2 tu la kan, perrgghh, on the 1st try, aku tak mengundur pon, nice n tight je , huu, and the best part, aku dpt nek viva~ hihi, [walopon ak ckp kat mak aku , tanak keter viva kes same ngan bitara, haha] patu, bile da habes mase sejam tuh, aku bagi cegu tuh air tropicana twister yg apple nye, siyesly, aku mmg sengaja beli 2, kes, aku mmg niat nak kasik cegu yg sanggop ngaja aku ptg tuh, kes aritu aku wat utk 2 jam, kali ikotkan, takleyh, tapi, i insist, haha, mule2 cegu tu tanak owh, dy ckp "tape laa" aku pon, "eeehh, tak de2, kene amek gak, i insist, sy mmg blikan utk cegu, see, sy bli 2" hihi, "rasuah la ni?" aku pon ckp " nooo! " dy pon amek je la kan, hihi,
well, next day plak, aku tanak la cegu yg same aja aku, nnt kang bile dy tak nmpk prubahan kat aku kang, nnt dy marah aku plak kang, so aku hope dpt cegu yg bek hati gak kan, so then, aku dpt la cegu after 4 hours tunggu, well well , bab2 nunngu ni mmg la aku still geram tapi, redha je la, sambil2 tunggu tu aku bace buku, novel , omputeh deh, no malay2, malay nye jiwang je lebeyh, hihihi, patu, dpt cegu pompuan, yg peliknye, smlm tu, aku bwk keter ok je, tapi, why today, ngan cegu len, aku jdi gelabah je lebeyh? pelik tol, haha, tapi cegu tu mmg baik a, hihi, dy igt nme aku, hihi, n aku mmg cute, haha, patu, mcm cegu tu citer kat kerani yg kat kaunter tuh, yg aku ni cam style kalot, kebetulan aku beraksi kalot dpn kaunter tuh, haha, aku cute! haha
next day lagih, mcm beser tunggu2 then, kai er dtg, hihi, dy pakai walkman, patu duk kat tempat tunngu tu, ckp kuat2 kes dy tak dgr gak pe dy ckp, hahah, gilaakk, sume tgk, aku senyum je, patu aku tarik dy nye walkman tuh, haha, patu sambil2 tunggu, dy tgkap gmbr, then , share2 gmbr gune bluetooth, then, macam2 wat, haha, dy tu baik, sanggop tunggu aku jap, dy ckp "haizz..pity you laa, wait so long" haha, aku pon , momantai la, haha, tapi drive keter arini tabest, kes nak kancil ngan cegu yg da 3 kali aja aku, mesti la dy mrh aku kan, kes aku tak improve sgt2, well, cegu pompuan, kalo laki, momantai je aku rase, aku tak blajar lagih parking, cegu tu soh wat bukit, aku rase aku da okay da wat aritu, tapi kali ni, asyik fail je, tatau la kalo kes keter len, or cegu tu pressure aku sgt2 ke , ntah la, tatau au, tapi yg pasti, aku tak penah tau nme cegu2, hihi, aku igt nombor keter2 mereka aje, keter cegu laki yg best tu, 55, cegu pompuan yg best n keter viva tu gak, 51, cegu yg 3 kali aja aku tuh 41, hurrmm, ok! time for pictures, hihi

picture of WAITING, busan2 nunggu, haha, gambar kaki satu!

aku n Kai Er, hihi comel tak kamii? well, ade sore2 merdu mengatekan, bhwe, aku comel lagih dr kai er, sape la manusie bertuah itu ek?? hihi

Kai Er n her Cute Style, hihi, suke bju dy...
lalala Lessons
ok ok, lately, macam best je pegi Bitara, well, bukan sbb Bitara tu yg best, tapi, well, there's something else for sure, haha, ok ok, maybe one of the reasons, aku finally dpt bwk keter jaoh dr kwsan umah to skolah aku, hahaha, and ade sorg cegu tu, laki la, mcm best gile cre dy aja aku, dy put his trust on me, when i did say that aku tak brape reti nak bawak keter, n mungkin tak brape yakin bawak keter atas jalan raye, haha, dy ckp , "tape, kite slow2 a" ok then! kite slow2 la nmpk nye, hihi,
then, aku do mcm, amazingly everything's [well, almost] right, hihi, walopon ade gak 2-3 kali mati enjin time kat traffic light, haha,tapi cegu tu dgn tenang je ckp " haaa, kan da jam kat blakang tuh", then cegu tu aja nek bukit2 tu la kan, perrgghh, on the 1st try, aku tak mengundur pon, nice n tight je , huu, and the best part, aku dpt nek viva~ hihi, [walopon ak ckp kat mak aku , tanak keter viva kes same ngan bitara, haha] patu, bile da habes mase sejam tuh, aku bagi cegu tuh air tropicana twister yg apple nye, siyesly, aku mmg sengaja beli 2, kes, aku mmg niat nak kasik cegu yg sanggop ngaja aku ptg tuh, kes aritu aku wat utk 2 jam, kali ikotkan, takleyh, tapi, i insist, haha, mule2 cegu tu tanak owh, dy ckp "tape laa" aku pon, "eeehh, tak de2, kene amek gak, i insist, sy mmg blikan utk cegu, see, sy bli 2" hihi, "rasuah la ni?" aku pon ckp " nooo! " dy pon amek je la kan, hihi,
well, next day plak, aku tanak la cegu yg same aja aku, nnt kang bile dy tak nmpk prubahan kat aku kang, nnt dy marah aku plak kang, so aku hope dpt cegu yg bek hati gak kan, so then, aku dpt la cegu after 4 hours tunggu, well well , bab2 nunngu ni mmg la aku still geram tapi, redha je la, sambil2 tunggu tu aku bace buku, novel , omputeh deh, no malay2, malay nye jiwang je lebeyh, hihihi, patu, dpt cegu pompuan, yg peliknye, smlm tu, aku bwk keter ok je, tapi, why today, ngan cegu len, aku jdi gelabah je lebeyh? pelik tol, haha, tapi cegu tu mmg baik a, hihi, dy igt nme aku, hihi, n aku mmg cute, haha, patu, mcm cegu tu citer kat kerani yg kat kaunter tuh, yg aku ni cam style kalot, kebetulan aku beraksi kalot dpn kaunter tuh, haha, aku cute! haha
next day lagih, mcm beser tunggu2 then, kai er dtg, hihi, dy pakai walkman, patu duk kat tempat tunngu tu, ckp kuat2 kes dy tak dgr gak pe dy ckp, hahah, gilaakk, sume tgk, aku senyum je, patu aku tarik dy nye walkman tuh, haha, patu sambil2 tunggu, dy tgkap gmbr, then , share2 gmbr gune bluetooth, then, macam2 wat, haha, dy tu baik, sanggop tunggu aku jap, dy ckp "haizz..pity you laa, wait so long" haha, aku pon , momantai la, haha, tapi drive keter arini tabest, kes nak kancil ngan cegu yg da 3 kali aja aku, mesti la dy mrh aku kan, kes aku tak improve sgt2, well, cegu pompuan, kalo laki, momantai je aku rase, aku tak blajar lagih parking, cegu tu soh wat bukit, aku rase aku da okay da wat aritu, tapi kali ni, asyik fail je, tatau la kalo kes keter len, or cegu tu pressure aku sgt2 ke , ntah la, tatau au, tapi yg pasti, aku tak penah tau nme cegu2, hihi, aku igt nombor keter2 mereka aje, keter cegu laki yg best tu, 55, cegu pompuan yg best n keter viva tu gak, 51, cegu yg 3 kali aja aku tuh 41, hurrmm, ok! time for pictures, hihi

picture of WAITING, busan2 nunggu, haha, gambar kaki satu!

aku n Kai Er, hihi comel tak kamii? well, ade sore2 merdu mengatekan, bhwe, aku comel lagih dr kai er, sape la manusie bertuah itu ek?? hihi

Kai Er n her Cute Style, hihi, suke bju dy...
With or Without You
dedicated to the person i can't live without
See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you
With or without you
With or without you
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And Im waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
My hands are tied
My body bruised, shes got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you
*Sungha Jung Plays With or Without you, finger free-style, super impresive! i like him a lot!!*
dedicated to the person i can't live without
See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you
With or without you
With or without you
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And Im waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
My hands are tied
My body bruised, shes got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you
*Sungha Jung Plays With or Without you, finger free-style, super impresive! i like him a lot!!*
Oscar? No?
And the Awards Goes to.....
*pick up the awards, gasp, clear throat*
erghhhmm, Oh! i cannot bliv that i would accepting this from my very old friend, Amni Afiqah, ok, i wanna thanks my mom, my dad, and the great swimmers that makes me the best now, i also wanna thanks my teachers, my friends, and neighbours, my cats, my tukang kebon, my hamster, and everybody who knows me, eh eh, silap2, ni speech kalo dapat oscar ni, silap2, ok ok, let's start balik..
Time kaseh wahai Amni

Alright, here's what you gonna do
1. Put this badge in your AWESOME blog
2. Award this bagde to 10 Bloggers, whom you think are inspirational and friendly
3. Make sure you put their names, and link to their blog
4. Tell them
And the Awards Goes to....
Aiqha Zetty
Tadaaa! silelah buat!
My 2nd Awards...

And the Second Awards Goes to...
Ash - Oh yeah, kes this person, gave me this awards, so, In return la kan, plus, she's the only person who convince me to do a blog, and yet she admired mine?? that should be another way around! haha
Nyla - She's always have things to write in her blog, her writing is pretty amazing, her english is Superb babe!
Nadiah - She's not a girl with few words, she's the most cheerful girl with lots of experience and things to share, always got something nice to say, really.
Amni - Amni? She deserve this Awards, why? kes blog dy cantek n mantap, very admiring her blog, colorful tol, byk citer2 sal kwn2, yeah, mostly friendship
Minohstream - Ermm, Minoh. Blog cantek, ntah sape la yg tulun wat kan, hihi, dy suke tag2 blog org, so thatorg akan keep on updating their blog, Good Job Minoh!
*pick up the awards, gasp, clear throat*
erghhhmm, Oh! i cannot bliv that i would accepting this from my very old friend, Amni Afiqah, ok, i wanna thanks my mom, my dad, and the great swimmers that makes me the best now, i also wanna thanks my teachers, my friends, and neighbours, my cats, my tukang kebon, my hamster, and everybody who knows me, eh eh, silap2, ni speech kalo dapat oscar ni, silap2, ok ok, let's start balik..
Time kaseh wahai Amni

Alright, here's what you gonna do
1. Put this badge in your AWESOME blog
2. Award this bagde to 10 Bloggers, whom you think are inspirational and friendly
3. Make sure you put their names, and link to their blog
4. Tell them
And the Awards Goes to....
Aiqha Zetty
Tadaaa! silelah buat!
My 2nd Awards...

And the Second Awards Goes to...
Ash - Oh yeah, kes this person, gave me this awards, so, In return la kan, plus, she's the only person who convince me to do a blog, and yet she admired mine?? that should be another way around! haha
Nyla - She's always have things to write in her blog, her writing is pretty amazing, her english is Superb babe!
Nadiah - She's not a girl with few words, she's the most cheerful girl with lots of experience and things to share, always got something nice to say, really.
Amni - Amni? She deserve this Awards, why? kes blog dy cantek n mantap, very admiring her blog, colorful tol, byk citer2 sal kwn2, yeah, mostly friendship
Minohstream - Ermm, Minoh. Blog cantek, ntah sape la yg tulun wat kan, hihi, dy suke tag2 blog org, so thatorg akan keep on updating their blog, Good Job Minoh!
All By Myself
dedicated to me, and to anywho wants to be dedicated
When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Livin' alone
I think of all the friends I've known
When I dial the telephone
Nobody's home
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel so insecure
And loves so distant and obscure
Remains the cure
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
All by myself
Don't wanna live
All by myself
When I was young
I never needed anyone
Making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
dedicated to me, and to anywho wants to be dedicated
When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Livin' alone
I think of all the friends I've known
When I dial the telephone
Nobody's home
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel so insecure
And loves so distant and obscure
Remains the cure
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
All by myself
Don't wanna live
All by myself
When I was young
I never needed anyone
Making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Journey Of Life
we never know what will fall upon us...
well, aku baru balik dr a very2222 loooooonnggg journey, well, ayh aku baru balik dr Plihan raye kat Perak, sampai umah [trg] sehari, esok tu, trus pegi johor [Gelang Patah] , then , duk 2-3-4 hari, patu pegi Muar, umah atok aku, duk 20-30 min,, pegi Melaka plak, Sedare mare kat sne nak mintak jadi agent bla bla bla, agent pe ntah , haha, then, duk 3-4 jam, otw nak balik umah, patu, cam letih je, dekat kol 12 tu, sampai Kuantan, tido semalaman kat Kuantan, then, esok tu bru berangkat balik terengganu, bapak letih sioot, walopon aku tak bawak keter, tapiaku gak yg picit ayh aku dr backseat tuh, perple'ot habes tgn2 urat saraf aku, haha
well well, ade citer sket, hihi, perkare yg tak dijangka2 belaku, dlm long trip ni, aku ,yura, mak n ayah aku je ade, ok, errmmm, then, kitorang dlm keter, otw nak pegi umah atok aku, kat kampong, Muar, sesampai je, masok la kan, takkan nak duk luar, haha, patu intai2 dapo, takot2 ade makanan, haha, pagi2 suboh lagi da betolak, tak breakfast maa, haha, patu jumpe la 2-3 bungkos nasik lemak, haha, ape lagi, kita ranggos! haha
Then, ayh aku tye la atok aku, kes dy nampak keter Myvi Kaler puteh kat luar umah tuh
Ayh : Bah, Keter sape kat luar tu, [nmpk pak sedare sabet aku, pak uteh/Man] Eh Man ade? sape lagi ade kat umah ni?
Atok : Keter tuh Bangcik [a.k.a Bapak yura& yuta] yg punye, die ade tuh haa, dlm bilik air ke hape ntah
keaadaan jadi tegang tahap maximum, tapi tade sape yg sedar akannye, kitorang saling jeling menjeling, n jeling kat yura, yg seem to not knowing what happen, aku pon wat steady je, makan2, macam beser, yura plak, makan2 gak,
tetibe, Bangcik/Pakcik kuar dari bilik air, pakai towel only, miahaha, then, laju je masok dlm bilik, tade nak tego mak ayh aku, or even anak kandong dy yura, aku pikir positive la, aku ckp lam hati," dy tak pakai bju lagi kot, pasni kuar dy tego la kan",
yura pon ternampak pakcik a.k.a bapak dy
yura : "gulp!" o-oh
superrb nye tegang situasi time tuh, aku jeling2 ka mak aku, bagi isyarat mate
aku : ma! gane ni?
mak : [jeling kat yura] [geleng2] biar je la
haha, mcm btol je, tapi siyes, takkan korunk tak penah wat isyaarat mate kan? haha
pakcik pon kuar dr bilik, straight ke keter dy, masok dlm keter, tade nak tego2 manusia2 yg dtg kat umah ni, and again, even yura pon, patu, kebetulan keter ayh aku block keter myvi dy dr blakang, ayh aku pegi nak alih keter, then, alang2 tuh, Wan aku pon pggel yura
Wan : Yura, pegi salam Pakcik, nnt kang kamoo sume nak balik, nnt tak jumpe da pakcik, pakcik nak pegi service keter dy arini, ngan pak uteh kamoo tuh
Yura : ok... [malu2 sipu]
yura pon pegi la dekat bapak dy tuh, which is the 1st time ever dy jumpe, [yg dy igt la, last time maybe 8 tahun lepas, which means dy 2 tahun, which means, tade igtan langsong]
aku ape lagih, nak tgk la jejak kaseh ni, hihi,
yura : [salam cium tgn]
pakcik : pekabar?
yura : baik
then, ok, showtime over, back to the seat la masing2, kitorg pon balik laa, tegang yg amat, mak aku pon ckp,
mak :"PAKCIK" ckp pe tadi kat yura?
yura : dy ckp pekabar, yura pon kate la, baik
ayh aku : yura ckp cne? "pakcik" sihat ke?, "pakcik" mcm tak sehat je [ayh aku wat lawak]
aku : [sambong] perot pakcik nmpk cam kembong je, gune la minyak cap limau yuhyi, hahahaha
yura : haha, mane ade
mak : Nape tak mintak no tepon "pakcik"? nnt leyh mintak kredit
kitorang sume tekankan pekataan "pakcik tuh", bukan tanak yura tau, yura tu of course la tau da tu bapak dy, tgk dlm gmbr belambak2 ade, just tanak bagi dy jump into a conclusion, yg dy ade bapak len, or mak ayh aku ni bukan bapak dorunk yg sebenar, well, walopon tu btol, tapi, not that way dude, we cannot just let her think that, just like that, walopon aku ni sokmo2 da bgtau dy tu, dy tu anak angkat, tapi tak semestinye aku nak dy pegi kat bapak dy kan? oh yeah, watever you think la, mende ni superrrrbbb complicated, rase cam duk dlm drama sioott, kalah citer indonesia ke philiphine ke, mexican ke, haha,
then, dlm keter, yura start excited da, excited gile jumpe bapak dy,
yura: debbor aku time nok gi salam ngan "dy" tadi
aku : sape "dy"?
yura : tu laa, hop tadi tu
aku : sape? pakcik?
yura : ho laa, pakcik tu bapak aku laa
aku : bukan ah, pakcik tuh pakcik la, da bakpe mu debbor nye?
yura: da mama kate dy garang, tapi aku tgk dy baik je
aku : bru jumpe 2 minit, huh,
patu kitorang pon berangkat ke melake la kan, lalu kat jasin, patu ayh aku trigt something2 kat jalan yg kitong lalu,
ayh : oh,, igt lagi mahkamah ni, time bawak bangcik ngan mak aritu
mak : a'a ek, lupe da
aku : bak pe pegi mahkamah?
ayh : bangcik mu la,, pakcik tuh,
aku : bakpe?
yura: pakcik ane ni?
ayh : mahkamah ni la, ikat jamin pakcik,
aku : bakpe?
ayh : bangcik mu tuh , dadah
tegang lagih... yura cam tekejot, tapi, dy wat tak kesah, aku pon tak kesah, citer lame kan, aku tekejot, mak aku pon, dgr ayh aku ckp cantu, kes sokmo2, ayh aku ckp cover2 a, time yuta laher, ayh aku yg azankan kat tinge, aku tye mane bapak dy? ayh aku ckp, pegi america, padahal pusat serenti, ish ish, mak aku n aku tadi, superb tekejot dgr ayh aku ckp straight, yura pon ade time tu.
then, yura pon nmpk keter myvi kaler puteh kat traffic light, dy pon excited lagih
yura : eehh! myvi! 2 org dlm kuarge kite pakai myvi,
aku : sape? angah sorang je la, mane ade due
yura : ade, tadi, myvi puteh tuh, myvi sape?
aku : oohh, tu bukan kuarge kite tuh...
tegang lagih, senyap sunyi keter ku ituh,
patu, yura start la,nak mintak no tepon bapak dy la, nak tepon yuta la, mcm2 a, aku ni, malas layan je la dy tuh, tanak kasik dy hope high, dy igt bapak dy baik sgt,
mcm yuta dulu a, mse darjah 6, pegi langkawi, nak jumpe bapak dy, patu ye la, jumpe2 sehari, bapak dy kasik macam2, bli macam2, henset satu, kasot converse satu, macam2 a, tapi, he should know, that just a one time thing, mende tu takkan jadi tiap2 hari, percaye la
then boom! bile yuta masok skolah tahfiz, awal2 je anta 200, then , tade nye nak anta2 da pitis, back to the begining balik a, macam tak penah jumpe je aritu, tade bagi impact tanggongjawab langsong, then, still contact gak, tapi, sekali tuh, yuta tepon bapak dy, hepi2 la ni, kes dpt hafal brape2 da juzu' alquran, patu bapak dy tengking2, ckp yuta tu nak ckp kat dy, yg dy tuh jahel, or nak ckp yg yuta tu belagak, ntah hape2, niat budak tuh nak soh ayh dy bangge, anak dy ni menjadi [sket2] tapi, hampeh, yuta pon da tak tepon da bapak dy, stop since then.
well, same thing about to happen to yura la, kalo dy excited sgt, we are protecting her, really, coz we're the one who really know who their father really is, well, walopon aku ni kureng tau, but i've seen him, the real him once, or two, panas baran, time yuta 5 tahun, dy tendang yuta, kes bising, dy nak tido, ohh yeah, i'm there too, aku 9, time tu, mamamiwa masok hospital kot, ke tak, lupe, well, see, i told you, ok yg 2nd time, aku, aku yg kene, kene marah ngan dy, kes aku which is a very little tiny person , pesan kat yuta, jgn men scooter atas jln raye, nnt rosak tayar dy tuh, tapi yuta degil , then aku marah la, patu bapak dy marah aku balik, macam2 ayt kuar, baral bodoh bangang all the B's la, hahaha, bapak kejam manusie tuh, aku budak kecik je, comel plak tuh, huh
da dekat nak sampai kuantan da, aku tgh picit2 ayh aku, mak aku n yura tido da, picit2 ayh aku tanak kasik dy terlelap, bawak keter malam,
aku pon mule berchatting ngan ayh aku
aku : abah, nuyu tgk citer omputeh kan, konon nye kalo dy ade gf, then, bile dy clash, 8 tahun kemudian, gf dy dtg balik, bwk anak dorunk 8 tahun, laki tu definitely freak out kan, tapi, laki tu sure akan amek tau sal anak dy kan, i mean, laki tu akan amek tau la kes budak tu darah daging dy, [haha, aku duk pikir citer The Game Plan, haha], tapi, nuyu tgk, bangcik tu tadi, mcm tamo amek tau langsong pasal anak dy, [picit2 lagih] patu belagak bujang, nek myvi, [tok sabet, tapi yup2, haha]
ayah : di bukan bapak la tuh, kalo dy bapak , dy wat care mcm bapak,
aku : dy tuh ade 4 org doh anok, not even one of then dy jage, sume bg duk ngan sedare,
ayah : dy bujang lagi la tuh, bujang lapok [wat lawak senanye, you should know how my dad make jokes, haha]
well, mesti ade yg pening2 sket kan? 4?? sape?? haha, ok ok, mamamiwa 2nd wife, lepas cerai 1st wife la kan, cerai, sorang dapat sorng anak, bangcik dpt pompuan, makcik tuh dpt alif, laki, yg skunk saket jantong, gune jantong bateri, masok spital sokmo, but he never cares, as expected la kan, yg pompuan , che's ngah, i've mention her name in 14th feb post, huhu, skunk che' ngah da kawen, somi dy skunk kat kampong, somi dy tu , tak di approve oleh pakcik la, so, che ngah cakap, somi dy tak get along sgt ngan pakcik a.k.a bapak mertue dy
the rest? yuta n yura
well well, aku ni bukan nak membuka pekong di dada [btol ke ayt tuh gune kat sini] but hell yeah! this is a true life story, how come EVER, not even one MALAY MOVIE have ever not yet make a BASED ON A TRUE STORY movie?? stupid malay entertainment, haha, not me, or you,
the end je la, len kali plak aku post,gmbr kambing aku, hihi
we never know what will fall upon us...
well, aku baru balik dr a very2222 loooooonnggg journey, well, ayh aku baru balik dr Plihan raye kat Perak, sampai umah [trg] sehari, esok tu, trus pegi johor [Gelang Patah] , then , duk 2-3-4 hari, patu pegi Muar, umah atok aku, duk 20-30 min,, pegi Melaka plak, Sedare mare kat sne nak mintak jadi agent bla bla bla, agent pe ntah , haha, then, duk 3-4 jam, otw nak balik umah, patu, cam letih je, dekat kol 12 tu, sampai Kuantan, tido semalaman kat Kuantan, then, esok tu bru berangkat balik terengganu, bapak letih sioot, walopon aku tak bawak keter, tapiaku gak yg picit ayh aku dr backseat tuh, perple'ot habes tgn2 urat saraf aku, haha
well well, ade citer sket, hihi, perkare yg tak dijangka2 belaku, dlm long trip ni, aku ,yura, mak n ayah aku je ade, ok, errmmm, then, kitorang dlm keter, otw nak pegi umah atok aku, kat kampong, Muar, sesampai je, masok la kan, takkan nak duk luar, haha, patu intai2 dapo, takot2 ade makanan, haha, pagi2 suboh lagi da betolak, tak breakfast maa, haha, patu jumpe la 2-3 bungkos nasik lemak, haha, ape lagi, kita ranggos! haha
Then, ayh aku tye la atok aku, kes dy nampak keter Myvi Kaler puteh kat luar umah tuh
Ayh : Bah, Keter sape kat luar tu, [nmpk pak sedare sabet aku, pak uteh/Man] Eh Man ade? sape lagi ade kat umah ni?
Atok : Keter tuh Bangcik [a.k.a Bapak yura& yuta] yg punye, die ade tuh haa, dlm bilik air ke hape ntah
keaadaan jadi tegang tahap maximum, tapi tade sape yg sedar akannye, kitorang saling jeling menjeling, n jeling kat yura, yg seem to not knowing what happen, aku pon wat steady je, makan2, macam beser, yura plak, makan2 gak,
tetibe, Bangcik/Pakcik kuar dari bilik air, pakai towel only, miahaha, then, laju je masok dlm bilik, tade nak tego mak ayh aku, or even anak kandong dy yura, aku pikir positive la, aku ckp lam hati," dy tak pakai bju lagi kot, pasni kuar dy tego la kan",
yura pon ternampak pakcik a.k.a bapak dy
yura : "gulp!" o-oh
superrb nye tegang situasi time tuh, aku jeling2 ka mak aku, bagi isyarat mate
aku : ma! gane ni?
mak : [jeling kat yura] [geleng2] biar je la
haha, mcm btol je, tapi siyes, takkan korunk tak penah wat isyaarat mate kan? haha
pakcik pon kuar dr bilik, straight ke keter dy, masok dlm keter, tade nak tego2 manusia2 yg dtg kat umah ni, and again, even yura pon, patu, kebetulan keter ayh aku block keter myvi dy dr blakang, ayh aku pegi nak alih keter, then, alang2 tuh, Wan aku pon pggel yura
Wan : Yura, pegi salam Pakcik, nnt kang kamoo sume nak balik, nnt tak jumpe da pakcik, pakcik nak pegi service keter dy arini, ngan pak uteh kamoo tuh
Yura : ok... [malu2 sipu]
yura pon pegi la dekat bapak dy tuh, which is the 1st time ever dy jumpe, [yg dy igt la, last time maybe 8 tahun lepas, which means dy 2 tahun, which means, tade igtan langsong]
aku ape lagih, nak tgk la jejak kaseh ni, hihi,
yura : [salam cium tgn]
pakcik : pekabar?
yura : baik
then, ok, showtime over, back to the seat la masing2, kitorg pon balik laa, tegang yg amat, mak aku pon ckp,
mak :"PAKCIK" ckp pe tadi kat yura?
yura : dy ckp pekabar, yura pon kate la, baik
ayh aku : yura ckp cne? "pakcik" sihat ke?, "pakcik" mcm tak sehat je [ayh aku wat lawak]
aku : [sambong] perot pakcik nmpk cam kembong je, gune la minyak cap limau yuhyi, hahahaha
yura : haha, mane ade
mak : Nape tak mintak no tepon "pakcik"? nnt leyh mintak kredit
kitorang sume tekankan pekataan "pakcik tuh", bukan tanak yura tau, yura tu of course la tau da tu bapak dy, tgk dlm gmbr belambak2 ade, just tanak bagi dy jump into a conclusion, yg dy ade bapak len, or mak ayh aku ni bukan bapak dorunk yg sebenar, well, walopon tu btol, tapi, not that way dude, we cannot just let her think that, just like that, walopon aku ni sokmo2 da bgtau dy tu, dy tu anak angkat, tapi tak semestinye aku nak dy pegi kat bapak dy kan? oh yeah, watever you think la, mende ni superrrrbbb complicated, rase cam duk dlm drama sioott, kalah citer indonesia ke philiphine ke, mexican ke, haha,
then, dlm keter, yura start excited da, excited gile jumpe bapak dy,
yura: debbor aku time nok gi salam ngan "dy" tadi
aku : sape "dy"?
yura : tu laa, hop tadi tu
aku : sape? pakcik?
yura : ho laa, pakcik tu bapak aku laa
aku : bukan ah, pakcik tuh pakcik la, da bakpe mu debbor nye?
yura: da mama kate dy garang, tapi aku tgk dy baik je
aku : bru jumpe 2 minit, huh,
patu kitorang pon berangkat ke melake la kan, lalu kat jasin, patu ayh aku trigt something2 kat jalan yg kitong lalu,
ayh : oh,, igt lagi mahkamah ni, time bawak bangcik ngan mak aritu
mak : a'a ek, lupe da
aku : bak pe pegi mahkamah?
ayh : bangcik mu la,, pakcik tuh,
aku : bakpe?
yura: pakcik ane ni?
ayh : mahkamah ni la, ikat jamin pakcik,
aku : bakpe?
ayh : bangcik mu tuh , dadah
tegang lagih... yura cam tekejot, tapi, dy wat tak kesah, aku pon tak kesah, citer lame kan, aku tekejot, mak aku pon, dgr ayh aku ckp cantu, kes sokmo2, ayh aku ckp cover2 a, time yuta laher, ayh aku yg azankan kat tinge, aku tye mane bapak dy? ayh aku ckp, pegi america, padahal pusat serenti, ish ish, mak aku n aku tadi, superb tekejot dgr ayh aku ckp straight, yura pon ade time tu.
then, yura pon nmpk keter myvi kaler puteh kat traffic light, dy pon excited lagih
yura : eehh! myvi! 2 org dlm kuarge kite pakai myvi,
aku : sape? angah sorang je la, mane ade due
yura : ade, tadi, myvi puteh tuh, myvi sape?
aku : oohh, tu bukan kuarge kite tuh...
tegang lagih, senyap sunyi keter ku ituh,
patu, yura start la,nak mintak no tepon bapak dy la, nak tepon yuta la, mcm2 a, aku ni, malas layan je la dy tuh, tanak kasik dy hope high, dy igt bapak dy baik sgt,
mcm yuta dulu a, mse darjah 6, pegi langkawi, nak jumpe bapak dy, patu ye la, jumpe2 sehari, bapak dy kasik macam2, bli macam2, henset satu, kasot converse satu, macam2 a, tapi, he should know, that just a one time thing, mende tu takkan jadi tiap2 hari, percaye la
then boom! bile yuta masok skolah tahfiz, awal2 je anta 200, then , tade nye nak anta2 da pitis, back to the begining balik a, macam tak penah jumpe je aritu, tade bagi impact tanggongjawab langsong, then, still contact gak, tapi, sekali tuh, yuta tepon bapak dy, hepi2 la ni, kes dpt hafal brape2 da juzu' alquran, patu bapak dy tengking2, ckp yuta tu nak ckp kat dy, yg dy tuh jahel, or nak ckp yg yuta tu belagak, ntah hape2, niat budak tuh nak soh ayh dy bangge, anak dy ni menjadi [sket2] tapi, hampeh, yuta pon da tak tepon da bapak dy, stop since then.
well, same thing about to happen to yura la, kalo dy excited sgt, we are protecting her, really, coz we're the one who really know who their father really is, well, walopon aku ni kureng tau, but i've seen him, the real him once, or two, panas baran, time yuta 5 tahun, dy tendang yuta, kes bising, dy nak tido, ohh yeah, i'm there too, aku 9, time tu, mamamiwa masok hospital kot, ke tak, lupe, well, see, i told you, ok yg 2nd time, aku, aku yg kene, kene marah ngan dy, kes aku which is a very little tiny person , pesan kat yuta, jgn men scooter atas jln raye, nnt rosak tayar dy tuh, tapi yuta degil , then aku marah la, patu bapak dy marah aku balik, macam2 ayt kuar, baral bodoh bangang all the B's la, hahaha, bapak kejam manusie tuh, aku budak kecik je, comel plak tuh, huh
da dekat nak sampai kuantan da, aku tgh picit2 ayh aku, mak aku n yura tido da, picit2 ayh aku tanak kasik dy terlelap, bawak keter malam,
aku pon mule berchatting ngan ayh aku
aku : abah, nuyu tgk citer omputeh kan, konon nye kalo dy ade gf, then, bile dy clash, 8 tahun kemudian, gf dy dtg balik, bwk anak dorunk 8 tahun, laki tu definitely freak out kan, tapi, laki tu sure akan amek tau sal anak dy kan, i mean, laki tu akan amek tau la kes budak tu darah daging dy, [haha, aku duk pikir citer The Game Plan, haha], tapi, nuyu tgk, bangcik tu tadi, mcm tamo amek tau langsong pasal anak dy, [picit2 lagih] patu belagak bujang, nek myvi, [tok sabet, tapi yup2, haha]
ayah : di bukan bapak la tuh, kalo dy bapak , dy wat care mcm bapak,
aku : dy tuh ade 4 org doh anok, not even one of then dy jage, sume bg duk ngan sedare,
ayah : dy bujang lagi la tuh, bujang lapok [wat lawak senanye, you should know how my dad make jokes, haha]
well, mesti ade yg pening2 sket kan? 4?? sape?? haha, ok ok, mamamiwa 2nd wife, lepas cerai 1st wife la kan, cerai, sorang dapat sorng anak, bangcik dpt pompuan, makcik tuh dpt alif, laki, yg skunk saket jantong, gune jantong bateri, masok spital sokmo, but he never cares, as expected la kan, yg pompuan , che's ngah, i've mention her name in 14th feb post, huhu, skunk che' ngah da kawen, somi dy skunk kat kampong, somi dy tu , tak di approve oleh pakcik la, so, che ngah cakap, somi dy tak get along sgt ngan pakcik a.k.a bapak mertue dy
the rest? yuta n yura
well well, aku ni bukan nak membuka pekong di dada [btol ke ayt tuh gune kat sini] but hell yeah! this is a true life story, how come EVER, not even one MALAY MOVIE have ever not yet make a BASED ON A TRUE STORY movie?? stupid malay entertainment, haha, not me, or you,
the end je la, len kali plak aku post,gmbr kambing aku, hihi
very tired maa
letih je reply all those tag tu, haha, 5 tag in one day, what a day nuyu! got no life ek?haha, well well, im back ! weeehee! tapi pc tak siap lagih, n currently cri org yg sudi nak chat ngan ak, wow, 6 days without outside communication, i might be dying alone, haha, pc tade, tenet tade, msg2 org, tak bls, sedeyh je idop aku ni, well, pc aku siap, aku start upload gmbr2 aku mengembara ke Cameron Highland, [ceyyh, bunyi cam jaoh], and and wat tribute post for my dead kucem, isk isk, and many more la, coming soon, tuuungguuu~
haha, gtg now, saket kaki, leher, lapa, n so on,
very tired maa
letih je reply all those tag tu, haha, 5 tag in one day, what a day nuyu! got no life ek?haha, well well, im back ! weeehee! tapi pc tak siap lagih, n currently cri org yg sudi nak chat ngan ak, wow, 6 days without outside communication, i might be dying alone, haha, pc tade, tenet tade, msg2 org, tak bls, sedeyh je idop aku ni, well, pc aku siap, aku start upload gmbr2 aku mengembara ke Cameron Highland, [ceyyh, bunyi cam jaoh], and and wat tribute post for my dead kucem, isk isk, and many more la, coming soon, tuuungguuu~
haha, gtg now, saket kaki, leher, lapa, n so on,
Tagged! [5]
By Anip
1.What have you been doing recently?
Watching tv series A LOT
2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
yup, kes batery nak habes
3.What happened at 10am today?
tgk NTV7, Rachel Ray ke ek? lupe, sambel2 tunggu pakcik streamix siap bekki tenet
4.When did you last cry?
can't remember
5.Believe in fate/destiny?
6.What do you want in your life now?
I'm 19 , I dont know what i want
7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
8.What’s your favourite thing to do on the bed?
Tido, tgk citer, knitting, chatting
9.What bottoms are you wearing now?
black pants
10.What’s the nicest things in your inbox?
i got one funtalk from ash,
11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
erm, no way, try to work it out la mek, ade ke patot
12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
yup, ikat rambot aku ni, ntah sape punye, aku sapu je la
13.What was the last movie you caught?
The Alibi, tak sempat nak habeskan, sambong mlm ni la
14.What are you proud of?
my multi-languages talent, MIAHHHAHHAHAHAHA
15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
by Ash, "ak nye tebal sket a ak rase.nt a ak uko balik"
[aku nye hp takleyh simpan byk2 msg, max 30 je]
16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
Y'all Wanna single - Korn, [time melalak dlm bilik pagi tadi, haha]
17.Do you have any nicknames?
Nuyu, Yuyu, Rouge [tenet]
18.What does the newest text say and from who?
"Ahaha.lpas gk ko nk on" by minoh
19.What time did you go to bed last night?
20.Are you currently happy?
not really
21.Who gives you the best advise?
parents, teacher, bros, sist
22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
i dont eat whipped cream, but ice cream
23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
no one
24.Is something bugging you now?
yeah, my neck hurt from replying too much tagged.
25.Who was the last person to make you laugh?
The Love Guru , Guru Pitka, MIAHAHAHA
Mangsa seterusnya:
Aiqha Zetty
By Anip
1.What have you been doing recently?
Watching tv series A LOT
2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
yup, kes batery nak habes
3.What happened at 10am today?
tgk NTV7, Rachel Ray ke ek? lupe, sambel2 tunggu pakcik streamix siap bekki tenet
4.When did you last cry?
can't remember
5.Believe in fate/destiny?
6.What do you want in your life now?
I'm 19 , I dont know what i want
7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
8.What’s your favourite thing to do on the bed?
Tido, tgk citer, knitting, chatting
9.What bottoms are you wearing now?
black pants
10.What’s the nicest things in your inbox?
i got one funtalk from ash,
11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
erm, no way, try to work it out la mek, ade ke patot
12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
yup, ikat rambot aku ni, ntah sape punye, aku sapu je la
13.What was the last movie you caught?
The Alibi, tak sempat nak habeskan, sambong mlm ni la
14.What are you proud of?
my multi-languages talent, MIAHHHAHHAHAHAHA
15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
by Ash, "ak nye tebal sket a ak rase.nt a ak uko balik"
[aku nye hp takleyh simpan byk2 msg, max 30 je]
16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
Y'all Wanna single - Korn, [time melalak dlm bilik pagi tadi, haha]
17.Do you have any nicknames?
Nuyu, Yuyu, Rouge [tenet]
18.What does the newest text say and from who?
"Ahaha.lpas gk ko nk on" by minoh
19.What time did you go to bed last night?
20.Are you currently happy?
not really
21.Who gives you the best advise?
parents, teacher, bros, sist
22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
i dont eat whipped cream, but ice cream
23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
no one
24.Is something bugging you now?
yeah, my neck hurt from replying too much tagged.
25.Who was the last person to make you laugh?
The Love Guru , Guru Pitka, MIAHAHAHA
Mangsa seterusnya:
Aiqha Zetty
Tagged! [4]
by Minoh
Nowadays, there're so many "IF".. "WHY" there're so many "IF"?!
1. If you can be animal, what will you be?! Why?!
a very cute lil kitten, coz, i'm cute
2. If you robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money?! Why?
Travelling all over the world, incase local police will not track me down
3. If you can teleport yourself to any places in the world, where do you want to be?! Why?!
any places in the world a, mcm jumper
4. If you know that you are dying, what is the last meal that you want?! Why?!
murtabak ayam or daging pakcik syam kat medan selara belakang maahad, haha, best gile
5. If you can kill only one person in this world, who is that person?! Why?!
Bush, and any other President/PM that super stupid and sellfish
6. If you can choose either want to have more than 24 hours a day or can live more than 100 years, what is your choice?! Why?!
more than 24 hours la, make it double, so that i will aged half of mine now.
7. If you can date celebrities, who is that person?! Why?!
Matt Le Blanc, it's always him, haha, he's currently on y mind now, dunno why
8. If you can have only 1 thing in this world, what should that be?! Why?!
the world that has everything
9. If you have opportunity to tag 7 of your friends, who are they?! Why?!
Anip, zetty, hut pizza and 4 others, minoh and ash tag dah mereka2 yg ade dlm list blog aku, nak tag sape lagih?
by Minoh
Nowadays, there're so many "IF".. "WHY" there're so many "IF"?!
1. If you can be animal, what will you be?! Why?!
a very cute lil kitten, coz, i'm cute
2. If you robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money?! Why?
Travelling all over the world, incase local police will not track me down
3. If you can teleport yourself to any places in the world, where do you want to be?! Why?!
any places in the world a, mcm jumper
4. If you know that you are dying, what is the last meal that you want?! Why?!
murtabak ayam or daging pakcik syam kat medan selara belakang maahad, haha, best gile
5. If you can kill only one person in this world, who is that person?! Why?!
Bush, and any other President/PM that super stupid and sellfish
6. If you can choose either want to have more than 24 hours a day or can live more than 100 years, what is your choice?! Why?!
more than 24 hours la, make it double, so that i will aged half of mine now.
7. If you can date celebrities, who is that person?! Why?!
Matt Le Blanc, it's always him, haha, he's currently on y mind now, dunno why
8. If you can have only 1 thing in this world, what should that be?! Why?!
the world that has everything
9. If you have opportunity to tag 7 of your friends, who are they?! Why?!
Anip, zetty, hut pizza and 4 others, minoh and ash tag dah mereka2 yg ade dlm list blog aku, nak tag sape lagih?
Tagged! [3]
by Minoh
Last time u ate MCD? w/ whom?
a very long time ago, rindu bapak sama itu Mcflurry
When was the last time you were truly completely happy with your life?
there's no such thing
Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Does anyone know your password besides you?
errm, nope
Last night did you go to sleep smiling?
Oh yeah, everynight, after watching friends
Did you have a good day yesterday?
super lazy day
What is your current mood?
mixed up
Who was the last person to come to your house?
Pakcik Streamix dtg bekki internet, wii~
Any plans for holidays?
naahh, Viet maybe
How's your life lately?
definitely meaningless, bored
Is there one place you'd like to visit?
Korea of coz
Have you held hands with anyone today?
not touching anybody yet
Do you miss your past?
owh, lets bygone be bygone
What was the last thing you put into your mouth?
3 ketol ayam drummet ayamas, in the past 9 hours, lapar la plak skunk ni
Did you ever lose a best friend?
not really
What are you listening to?
the sound of the great kipas pusing2 n cengkerik kat luar umah
Who is the last person that made you smile?
ash, time msg2 tadi, ade ke smile ek? lupe, 2nd runner up, anip.
Is your phone close to you?
yup, incase org msg sal sape mng kat perak, haha
What are you doing tomorrow?
kemas umah besih2 mcm pagi ni, kes mak aku nak balik, matila kalo umah sepah
Are you frustrated?
now? yeah, my cat just died
Did you hug anyone today?
nope. cat, yes, haha
Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Who was the last person you cried in front ?
my pc, time nonton citer sedeyh, isk isk, haha
Would you consider being married/ engaged right now?
erm, oh sure, come2
What is one thing you do before you go to sleep?
watching friends, at least for one episode, n knitting
Reply all messages and returned calls.
yep, all the ppl that msg me, is the ppl who are important to me, of coz! [eng pasar gile]
Has someone ever made you a promise & broke it, who?
oh yeah, im not liberted to say
tagging ash, aiqha zetty, anip
by Minoh
Last time u ate MCD? w/ whom?
a very long time ago, rindu bapak sama itu Mcflurry
When was the last time you were truly completely happy with your life?
there's no such thing
Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Does anyone know your password besides you?
errm, nope
Last night did you go to sleep smiling?
Oh yeah, everynight, after watching friends
Did you have a good day yesterday?
super lazy day
What is your current mood?
mixed up
Who was the last person to come to your house?
Pakcik Streamix dtg bekki internet, wii~
Any plans for holidays?
naahh, Viet maybe
How's your life lately?
definitely meaningless, bored
Is there one place you'd like to visit?
Korea of coz
Have you held hands with anyone today?
not touching anybody yet
Do you miss your past?
owh, lets bygone be bygone
What was the last thing you put into your mouth?
3 ketol ayam drummet ayamas, in the past 9 hours, lapar la plak skunk ni
Did you ever lose a best friend?
not really
What are you listening to?
the sound of the great kipas pusing2 n cengkerik kat luar umah
Who is the last person that made you smile?
ash, time msg2 tadi, ade ke smile ek? lupe, 2nd runner up, anip.
Is your phone close to you?
yup, incase org msg sal sape mng kat perak, haha
What are you doing tomorrow?
kemas umah besih2 mcm pagi ni, kes mak aku nak balik, matila kalo umah sepah
Are you frustrated?
now? yeah, my cat just died
Did you hug anyone today?
nope. cat, yes, haha
Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Who was the last person you cried in front ?
my pc, time nonton citer sedeyh, isk isk, haha
Would you consider being married/ engaged right now?
erm, oh sure, come2
What is one thing you do before you go to sleep?
watching friends, at least for one episode, n knitting
Reply all messages and returned calls.
yep, all the ppl that msg me, is the ppl who are important to me, of coz! [eng pasar gile]
Has someone ever made you a promise & broke it, who?
oh yeah, im not liberted to say
tagging ash, aiqha zetty, anip
Tagged! [2]
by Minoh
1) Apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan kenapa anda memilih nama itu?
sebab ?
Owh yeah, Coldplay RULES!
2) Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu?
www.rougesweetescape.blogspot.com, ermm, kes nak escape dr last blog, or, watever!
3) Apakah 'method' penulisan dalam blog anda?
personal, suke2, ikot suke, n bitching about ppl, haha
4) Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda? Sebabnya?
oh nope, never, i like it A LOT
5) Apa pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada pemilik blog yang tag anda ni?
Minoh? oh yeah, blog dy of coz la mantap, kes aku yg tulun wat kan, haha, n beliau suke tag mengetag manusia, haha
Next 5 person to tag;
+Aiqha Xetty
+hut pizza
+the last person who survive the world war 3
by Minoh
1) Apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan kenapa anda memilih nama itu?
sebab ?
Owh yeah, Coldplay RULES!
2) Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu?
www.rougesweetescape.blogspot.com, ermm, kes nak escape dr last blog, or, watever!
3) Apakah 'method' penulisan dalam blog anda?
personal, suke2, ikot suke, n bitching about ppl, haha
4) Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda? Sebabnya?
oh nope, never, i like it A LOT
5) Apa pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada pemilik blog yang tag anda ni?
Minoh? oh yeah, blog dy of coz la mantap, kes aku yg tulun wat kan, haha, n beliau suke tag mengetag manusia, haha
Next 5 person to tag;
+Aiqha Xetty
+hut pizza
+the last person who survive the world war 3
by Ash
1] apakah hubungan awak dan dia [org yg mentag]
• hubungan yg sangat mantap
2] impression towards her
• very impressive
3] perkara paling memorable dye lakukn
• tangkap gmbr spastic, and L is for Light, haha

4] perkara plg memorable
• time dtg mengunjong umah beliau
5] kalau dye kekasih awak ..awak akan..
• gay, gile ke?
6] kalau dye jd musuh awak..awak akan..
• definitely never be friends
7] kalau dye kekasih awak..dye perlu improve dlm
• rupe paras n jantibna, haha
8] kalau dye jd musuh ..mungkin kerana..
• nothing, maybe coz i dont have internet
9] overall impression
• superb mantap friend
10] the most desirable thing to do to him/her
• knitting sumthing2, hehe
11] apa awak rase pndgn org terhadap awak
• got no life, reply tag je keje
12] the character of urself
• multi-character-adapter
13] on the contrary,what do you hate bout urself
• i've sinned a lot
14] the most ideal person u want to be with
• currently no one, or maybe Matt Le Blanc
15] for ppl who likes u.. tell sumtin bout them
• Thank you for not telling me
16] ppl to tag
• Nadiah
• aiqha zetty
• Anip
• fa fa fa
• hut pizza
by Ash
1] apakah hubungan awak dan dia [org yg mentag]
• hubungan yg sangat mantap
2] impression towards her
• very impressive
3] perkara paling memorable dye lakukn
• tangkap gmbr spastic, and L is for Light, haha

4] perkara plg memorable
• time dtg mengunjong umah beliau
5] kalau dye kekasih awak ..awak akan..
• gay, gile ke?
6] kalau dye jd musuh awak..awak akan..
• definitely never be friends
7] kalau dye kekasih awak..dye perlu improve dlm
• rupe paras n jantibna, haha
8] kalau dye jd musuh ..mungkin kerana..
• nothing, maybe coz i dont have internet
9] overall impression
• superb mantap friend
10] the most desirable thing to do to him/her
• knitting sumthing2, hehe
11] apa awak rase pndgn org terhadap awak
• got no life, reply tag je keje
12] the character of urself
• multi-character-adapter
13] on the contrary,what do you hate bout urself
• i've sinned a lot
14] the most ideal person u want to be with
• currently no one, or maybe Matt Le Blanc
15] for ppl who likes u.. tell sumtin bout them
• Thank you for not telling me
16] ppl to tag
• Nadiah
• aiqha zetty
• Anip
• fa fa fa
• hut pizza
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