The List

Kyle Xy Season 3
Chuck Season 2
Gossip Girl Season 2
Reaper Season 2
90210 Season 1
Greys Anatomy Season 5
House Season 5
The Big Bang Theory Season 2
Being Erica Season 1
Supernatural Season 4
How I Met Your Mother Season 4

Technically, All of them! All of them had FINISHED!

ermm, macam tau tau je aku nak masok U, then masing2 pakat2, wat season finale masing2, cet, tensi aku, aku ni, da la keje aku mendonlod je [oh yeah, aku tanak bwk MaXtor aku, hehe, nnt ramai nak kawan ngan ak, kes aku byk movies]

haha, aku amat berterime kaseh kepade manusie2 yg mencadangkan aku, series2 yg aku patot donlod, hurrm, well, better suggest me, series yg tidak sgt jauh ke depan, series yg, bru2 je nak start, dlm 1st or 2nd season, ok ah, hehe, masok 3rd, aku tak larat dah nak kejar, melainkan, korunk provide aku the first 2 season, hehe, mcm house, hehe, aku kutep org nye je, the rest, bru la aku donlod, hehe,

ok then, for each of series of their next seasons, it's gotta be some, 3-4 months next, i might not be able to keep up, hehe, [think all you want, aku mmg suke donlod series2 ni, aku rase mcm, up-to-date gile, hehe] [da la aku donlod seko2 diri je, huhu, mmg tade life!]

meyh aku eloborate sket2 masing2 nye season finale, 1-2 sudeyh, byk2 kang, spoil plak kan [padahal mmg nak spoil]

huhu, season finale paling best, Grey's Anatomy!

woohoo!! best! aku tgk ulang2, walopon curiousity for the next season tu, membuak2, tapi, hehe, best! Superb![terlalu best, sampai aku tanak spoil kat korunk, hehe, tgk la senirik]

Supernatural? BULLSHIT! i'm very disappointed, i gotta tell ,you the whole 4th season of Supernatural, amat bullshit, hehe, know why? coz start masok pasal Angel, Lucifer, God, even Prophet, SUPERB BULLSHIT! lepas aku habes tgk last Episode, trus aku pegi dgr org ngaji, ish ish, terlalu bullshit sgt, sape2 yg rase, tak cukop kuat iman, better jgn tgk, hehe, siyesly

Chuck, ermm, best, tasaba2 nak tgk next season, ermm, how Ellie ngan Awesome live their marriage, hehe, sute gile mereka2, hehe..

Being Erica, hurrmm..citer ni tak brape populer, aku je yg gatal2 pegi search, kes tade sgt2 da citer yg nak donlod, hehe, aku tak brape assume yg citer ni akn ade next season, well, tgk pade last episode, huhu, mcm menarik je, so, we'll see, huh?

Kyle Xy, well well well, bak kate manusie yg bersore sumbang, salah ek? sore2 sumbang mengatekan, bhawe, ni last season, hurrm, or maybe last season for ABC studio produce kot, hurm, coz doesnt seem like last season to me, hehe

dah la, tu je kot, hurrm, yg paling tak pus hati, Supernatural ah, Dean jadi Angel lah, Sam jdi Demon la, igt ni ape? make believe world? miahahaha, what ever la, aku nak pegi bakar umah director, writer, n whoever create the stupid bullshit,for the next season....BETTER BE GOOD!! [ceyyh, macam aku je producer, hehe]

*tonton lah poster2 ini~ la la la*

last but not least,

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