event nih, bru je belaku tadi, the exact 10 mins before i'm here jotting it down..

here's the story begin :

situation : outside the house, talking to my mom, whom about to go out somewhere, and asking me to bring her a glass of water, [so i did bring her that, nice huh?]

had me looking at the new painted wall, and said :-

me : i'd better be inside the house, so i won't see what's colour is on the outside, do you really wanna pick this colour?

mom : nope, i prefer the inside colour to be outside, but, it's okay.. in 10 years time, there would be a lot of wedding will be held, and after that time, we'll paint it differently..

me : a lot of wedding? whom's?

mom : yeah, in 10 years time, all my children will get married, the 10 years time is like, wedding years, soon, you, kakcik, Along will get married, and all the themes should be green, :D GREAT

me : me? married? in 10 years? na'ah, no way..

dad : you must get married la, takkan la nak duduk ngan abah je sampai tue..

me : nnt sape nak jage abah? hehe, biar lah nuyu duduk ngan abah, hehe, jage abah, okay? ;)


well, the last part is really not the main point, hehe, but i did say that, hoho

anyway, it got me thinking, 10 years time?

well, me too -- thinking that , i will get married in that period, somewhere in 5 years from now, weee..! the more i think, the more excited i'd be. hehe

well, let's shorten the years, 5 years time, by that time, i would be, like, 24-25, the ideal age for woman to get married, hehe

somehow, the most excited thing to think is that, in 5 years time, i will fall in love with someone, and the someone LOVES me very much, enough to marry me, and makes me the lawfully wedded wife, makes me the HALAL for him ,and wanna spend the rest of his life with me.. owwww, so sweeet~ :D

i just don't see the current guy i have ever known is the ones, it's like, i kinda feel like, i , soon will be meeting him, oh my future husband! where are you?

to be negatively thinking, i just can't trust men now, sorry, it's nice to imagine how it would be, to have someone to love you, care about you, n will marry you , but, it just that, i never had someone, who love me so much to make me feel like that,--- oh, that's why i said the guys that i know is not the one... i see.. :P

someone who loves me very much? it sound ridiculous! do that someone ever exist? I HOPE SO!


*sorry2, i need to repeat that to make sense, haha*

okay, now i'm blushing... ('_'~)


btw ... it's SOMEONE, not SAMEON!


Fara Adila said...

nuyu...warghh..sudah jauh pikir..hahaha..cm x caya je dah boleh masuk alam kahwin2 nie..hahhaha..

Lady.Rouge said...

HAHA, my mom laa! she got me thinking! HAHA