another post of the day~

Driving is Sucks!
but cars are cool!

*forget about the last post, it sucks, well..aku just fell like writing, try to find the mood, you know...
well..moving on ppl!!*

huu, snin ni baru aku start nak amek kelas drive, and i know, it's normal, but i hate it already!
hahahah, clearly! the girl at the counter is really dumb n stupid, well, mostly rude,why not, ade ke patot, tepon aku, n cakap lebeyh kurang je ngan aku.. something like ..:

counter girl (c.g) : Hello?
aku : Hello
C.g : awok Nurul Ain ke?
aku : yeap..speaking
C.g : da makpe saye tepon awok dari tadi awok xangkat?? (sore ala2 tensi)
(Hello... no introduction..really? this is how you treat customer?)
aku : owh, phone silent mood,
C.g : ni dr pusat Bitara, awok punye lesen KPP expired doh, awok takleh booking test computer, awok kene amek kelas balik
aku : hah? (terkezot actually, bukan mengom & dumb)
C.g : Awok nye lesen KPP expired, awok dgr x saye ckp ape??
aku : (dlm hati : what a bitch, ckp mcm da lame kenal) Ye, so? amek kelas balik, 200 aritu burn a? okay.. fine..

and so on, okay, i might know that before she called, but helllloooooo...!!! dont need to talk like that...??!! stupid girl!

huhu, actually aku daftar driving like, 19 dec 2007, haha...tapi ye a, aku sekolah, kinda busy, and i hate driving class, and wat-so-ever tup tup da 2009, bru teringat, so kene wat balik, [clearly] n rm200 daftar kelas KPP aritu, burn, byr sekali lagih, then , masok balik kelas yg urrghh, bohsan gile tuh, dr kol 8 sampai kol 5 ptg, ntah hape2, n it started on 9th Feb, i wanted this to ended fast! go go! fast! hahahha..

aku amek ni pon kes mak aku nak kasik keter, perrgghh, tayah cakap a, aku directly refuse to let her get me one, but really, she insist on getting me one, fuuuuhh, i got no choice, i have to take the license then, anak yg taat, haha..[poyo la katekan, alaa, ade org kate aku poyo..mengaku je la]

wish me luck, anyway..


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