Dont Speak
by No Doubt

You and me
We used to be together
Every day together always

I really feel
I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end

It looks as though you're letting go
And it it's real,
Well I don't want to know

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

Our memories
They can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightening

As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry

It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are...

You and me
I can see us dying ... are we?



Al-Fatihah to Mohd Aliff, a very sweet young boy, a hyper active and cheerful one..


time aku dlm kelas LH, dlm 3 minggu lepas, mak aku call, i picked up the phone..

Mama : Yu! yu ade kelas ke?
Aku : Hurm, tapi madam tak masok lagi, nape?
Mama : Mohd Alif.. Yu igt dop?
Aku : Mohd Alif? hurm, igt, bakpe ma?
Mama : Die meninggal pagi tadi..
Mama : pendarahan dalam otak, dy koma semalam, pagi ni dy tade dah..
Aku : Maaa....! MOHD ALIF ,MA!
Mama : Hurm, Tepon ah kakcik.. Mama try call tadapat..
Aku : ok


well, aku and kakak aku suke sgt kat budak tuh, dy tuh, hyper active btol~ hoho~ dy suke amat kat ayah aku n yura, hoho

dy suke kuceng gak..

pantang datang umah aku, ade ah mende yg dy craze, dy kejar kucing tanpa ade prasaan putus asa, haha,

then , dy suke amat kat yura, kejar yura plak, haha, jerit2 name yura

"Yura..!! Yura...!!"

si Mohd Alif ni [oh yeah, kami mmg suke sebot name panjang beliau] time kecik2 dulu, ade penyakit ah, erm, yg kepale besar tuh la, but, parents dy dah bedah awal2 lagi, do everything they can to save his life..

but, umur dy tak panjang, Allah sayang dy lebeh, dy pergi dulu

isk isk.. sebak la plak aku..



i was doing fine yesterday, really fine that im proud of myself

there's notes everywhere, remind me how much i hate him...

i was doing fine...

but when i come across a pict, my heart's pumping rapidly, that makes me suffocate, i can't breathe easy, my face turn red, and my heart is aching..

i grabbed hard on my shirt, so hard that i believe i can rip it off

i try to calm down, i take a deep breath, and let it out heavily... i wish all the pain will go away with it.... but, it's not that simple

what's wrong with me?

a song that remind me of him keeps playing in my mind..

over and over again like a stucked cd player..

how can i turn it off, when i dont know where's the plug is?

this is hard... why is this so hard?



**hahaha, wes! aku nak kongsi ngan korunk lyrics best yg aku jumpe, haha,**

to someone i hate!

You were just a waste of sperm
They way you look
Makes my stomach turn
The way you think
Is no way at all

God you really think you have balls

I hate you
Ain't it true
I hate you
And everything you do

You walk around like a fucking dick
And everytime you're near
You know I get real sick

You're so stupid
There's nothing in your head
God how I wish that you were dead

I hate you
Ain't it true
I hate you
And everything you do

hahahaha! best! fffuuhhhh! lege hati aku!

P/S : haha, ish ish, bulan2 seindah Ramadhan ni, bawak2 la gune ayat yg sopan2 sket eh <---- kalo korunk komen yg ni, aku balas balik : well, tu bukan aku yg type or cipta, itu lagu! hoh! aku copy paste je! hoh!



hurrrmm....[same mcm title, kan kan kan?] hurrrm... i wonder.. perlu ke kite marah or saket hati ngan org yg minat/suke/like/crush/admire kite?

well, kalo jawapan anda ialah YA, typekan YA dan hantarkan ke 33333 utk persoalan yg ke2, dan jika jawapan anda TIDAK, duk la diam2, dan silalah proceed

persoalan yg kedue, apekah motif anda, menbenci/marah kepade org yg hatinya tulus ikhlas menyayangi diri anda? apekah hak utk anda membenci or memarahi individu yg tak berdosa tersebut?

apekah point or ganjaran or kebaikan yg anda dapat dr menbenci/memarahi/menjauhkan diri/memutuskan persahabatan yg terjalin sebelum ini terhadap anda dan juga pihak kedue?

well, bg saye la, [eh eh, tetibe ber'saye'2 plak, ngeh ngeh ngeh]

masing2, org lain2, sifat lain2, care pon lain2, well, aku no hal, aku paham sume tuh, kite takleh nak expect respond seseorg terhadap kite same mcm how will we respond to them ,rite? but, somehow, ape yg aku expect ialah something yg open minded, yg boleh diterime akal, and munasabah, bukan something yg kolot, kusut masai, malah berbau, [eh eh, apekah??? haha]

haha, aku merapu, haha, well, org juge ade yg baek, ade yg kurang baek, ade yang TAK baek... well.. kalo aku lah kan, aku maybe dlm kategori org yg BAEK, [miahahhahaha, aku belagak or riak ni? tak dapat dikenal pasti ah...sorry2] [btw, aku tules tu ikot statistic n pendapat org ramai, hoho, bukan salah aku, miaahahhaha]

oleh kerana aku dlm golongan tuh, so maybe aku akan memberi respon yg "menjage hati" si pihak kedue, well, kalo lah ade org yg suke kat aku, aku takkan la pegi lempang dy ke, sepak dy ke [Aini sepak pokok young man, miaahhahahaha <---- hanye aku n mereka2 yg terbabit je yg tau apekah ini] or tamo tego si individu yg sweet tuh ke...., [ecehcehceh, angkat la tgn sape yg terase diri nye sweet] walopon aku maybe tadapat reply "suke" dy tuh kan, hurmm..

amcam? leyh bayang? or adekah anda still cluless apekah point yg aku nak sampaikan ?

okeh, aku tanak bercerita panjang, cerite sal VIETNAM yg aku janji2kan pon blom ditunaikan lagih, hoho..

so bagi anda yg terase or touching akan blog post ni [harap2 tade, kes aku pon tade tuju kat sesape pon] diminta lah, consider something, sebelom buat decision, i mean, we're playing with someone's heart here, bak kate michael jackson, BECAREFUL WHAT YOU DO...DONT GO AROUND BREAKING YOUNG GIRL'S HEART~ oh yeahh~~ hahaha..

so, aku tau apekah yg anda terpikir2 dlm muscle otak anda...

"adekah someone telah break my heart?"

well, the answer is NO, coz i BREAK my OWN HEART

kah kah kah, wat lawak ke hape? tak sehat ke ko nuyu? makan ubat bebanyak eh.. hoho!
ok, gtg!


mane? mane? ko tanye ape ni? mane ape nye? APPLE? kat kedai laaa, mane nak ade kat blog aku ni, hoh!

siaran ttg apple tergendale buat sementara waktu, nampaknye, si apple telah busok n burok, terpakse buang dlm tom cruise, eh, tong sampah,

jgn tye nape... aku ckp, JGN TANYE.. ko tak reti base eh?

mintak maap atas kebengongan aku arini, well, next, ak nak blog sal vacation aku kat VIETNAM!!! hohoho!!







hoho! betape keciknye dunie ni, kerna menemukan a person to another person.. with another person.. then, it's reate a chain.. very wonderful! this is very helping when it's involve internet.. huhu..

let's listen to the 1st case :

me + zarol + adi

ok.. sape kenal kawan aku, siti afiqah kasim? hurm, minah ni kaki chat, chat kat mirc dolu2, then, tetibe ditarek oleyh 2 jejake pandai2, zarol and adi, sorg amek medic n sorg lagi engin, both kat uia... masok conference kat yahoo.. hoho.. but then, si kah ni plak, heret aku plak masok conf tuh... then, si kah ni exam SPM time tuh, busy, hoho, so aku je la yg salu chat ngan si zarol ni, adi mcm kureng ,kes zarol tak heret adi masok conf time aku masok, but then, LIL DID WE KNOW that, si adi ni, roomate kepade BERG a.k.a GEWE kepade KAKAK aku, hoh! kecik nye dunie..

so, bile nak wat conf besar besaran, bile dorunk2 ni balik raye ke cuti ke kan, kalo tade aku n zarol, tade bridge between 2 pihak male n female, haha, in brief, aku n zarol asset penting dlm conf tuh, hoho

minoh-ash-kah-aku ----> zarol-ngy-munxey-adi ---> berg ---> kakak aku ---> aku ---> then berulang2 ah, haha, mereka2 ni set2 conf aku, hoho,

2nd case :

aku + ash + assila

hurmm, time tuh, aku mulo2 masok uia ah, hurm, aku pon dgr la set assila n widad ni kecek qlate bobrabobra... aku pon nok join ah, haha, lamo bebenor tidok kecek qlate ni, hoho! but then, aku tanye la si assila ni, sekola kat ne dulu, then dy ckp MRSM kuala krai, hoho, aku pon ckp ah aku X-Maahad, but then, tetibe, dy tanye aku

"Kenal Ash? Asiah Rosedi?"
"Of Course! Best Friend!"

hurmm.. well, si assila ni.. kenal ngan ash ni, since form 2-3 lagih, but dalam tenet je, tak penah jumpe, cakap phone pon tak, but chat mcm best friend gak ah, hurmm, but then, LIL DID I KNOW that i will be best friend with Assila too, in UIA, ish ish..

3rd case :

aku + Nana + Apple

hoho! apesal? terkezut? knape aku salu mention apple? knape apple salu muncol distiap sudut blog aku? haha.. tu ah, aku pon tak paham, haha

kesah dy cani.. aku and nana ni, best friend gak dulu time kat maahad, well, dy gak yg salu tolong aku overcome kesedeyhan aku time kak nani pindah, time aku dipulaukan oleh budak bilik [yup, aku budak yg amat menyedihkan time duk maahad dulu] or time aku gadoh ngan anith... [aku igt jase ko nana! hoh!] well, aku n nana pindah... to another school, not together.. but we still contact what, hoho.. skip to how i met Apple jap..

Apple ni, a very random guys for me, but he caught my eyes, he's in my class [shhh...secret] and we becomes friends lately.. after i got his number... but then.. LIL DID I KNOW that si Apple ni, kawan si Nana kat PLKN lepas SPM aritu..ish2... kecik nye dunie.. why why why why? why in the world??

so? jawab persoalan aku yg tertera di title atas tuh, hoho


aku senirik tatau apekah itu dojoh.. haha,

P/S : NANA! keep it to yourself! u're the only one who ever know him who, what n how..!


apekah? apekah itu BLUEMONDAY ? ade kah monday itu hari2 utk org berkate2 blue2? NO!! haha, aku tatau sejak bile ritual ni berlaku keatas diri aku n uia ni, but... aku rase aku tau nape.. haha

briefing about BlueMonday ni, hurrmm... first class aku kat uia ni, of coz la hari snin, ermm, smgt nye nak gi kelas, so pick la kaler fav n suit the mood ah, so, i pick BLUE, but then, lame2, aku jadi macam, mewajibkan diri senirik utk pakai BIRU every MONDAY.. itu lah yg dimaksodkan dgn, BLUEMONDAY aku

haha... ok, oleh kerane NADIAH2 [2 org nadiah] ckp jgn tak post, post jiwang kat post promised aku tuh.. so.. aku pon, agak nye, nak gak la citer kesah kami [aku + apple] kat sini sket, of coz yg berkaetan ngan BLUEMONDAY ni..

huhu, lepas habes cuti midsem, aku still dgn rule BlueMonday aku tu.. hoho.. but then, tetibe, si hijau apple tuh, pakai biru gak on monday, well, aku igtkan, kebetulan, well, maybe btol2 kebetulan ah, [alaa, kebetulan btol2 ah! prahsan ah ko nuyu!] but then, 3 minggu berturot2 dy pakai biru gak on monday, hurrmm, arini pon dy pakai biru, hurrm.... well, aku ade mention kat dy, sal bluemonday aku ni, well, i dont expect him to wear blue on every monday too kan.. lagipon, wat pe nak ikot or tiru aku kan.. kami bukan nye ade apeape....

hurrm.. but then, kami biru arini, bukan salah aku, ampooon!

well, kadang2, aku rancang ngan fara, nak pakai biru every monday, well, tatau la kalo dy leyh follow ke tak, but me.. still..

eversince aku duk uia ni, just once aku tak pakai biru on monday, aku pakai puteh ade hijo2 sket, tuh pon kes nak seragam time presentation LH aritu.. hoho!

that's it!


Apple Updates :

here's another 2 songs he sang

Plugin Baby - Muse

I've exposed your lies, baby
The underneath is no big surprise
Now it's time for changing
And cleansing everything
To forget your love

My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living

New Born - Muse

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like a birth squeeze
The love for what you hide
The bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born
When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

hurmm, kami same2 minat Muse, juge tidak dirancang, kami just ade chemistry, n clicked!


by Muse

It's bugging me, grating me
And twisting me around
Yeah I'm endlessly caving in
And turning inside out

'cause I want it now
I want it now
Give me your heart and your soul
And I'm breaking out
I'm breaking out
Last chance to lose control

It's holding me, morphing me
And forcing me to strive
To be endlessly cold within
And dreaming I'm alive

'cause I want it now
I want it now
Give me your heart and your soul
And I'm not breaking down
I'm breaking out
Last chance to lose control

And I want you now
I want you now
I'll feel my heart implode
And I'm breaking out
Escaping now
Feeling my faith erode



Apple-updates: He sang another 2 songs, Plugin Baby, New Born both by Muse


i PROMISE i will not post another JIWANGS post!

[tgk keadaan gak ah, hoho..]



at last, aku bersedie utk blogging ttg jiwe rage aku nih, well, 2-3 hari yg amat genting dlm hidop aku, aku luahkan kat blog private aku..

well..the truth is, aku dpt number Apple dah, from a friend, after a loooooooooong time i usha him a, i get to get closer to him...

well... im brave enough to do this now, im strong enough to tell you guys, [pay attention CFSIIUM guys!].. that im gonna tell you who's APPLE in my eye for so long is...


puas hati?

well, let's stick to APPLE..for now

yg sweet nye knowing this guy is that, every single class finished, mesti dy tego aku, aku pikir, aku yg senyap dlm kelas ni, tak de org noticed kewujudan aku, lebeyh2 lagi org mcm dy, populer di kalangan budak2 kelas.. ust2 n ustazah2 pon salu sebot name dy.. ye la, nme terlalu unik.. hoho...but, still..he's the one n only guy in that class that came n talk to me.. touched...

well, after dpt number dy, aku dont hesitate to msg him, not a lil bit, kes aku pikir,sampai bile lagi aku nak sekse jantong aku kan? dah ade pluang, kene grab awal2 ah..

but then.. the results is great, the very 1st day aku sms dy, dy menunjukkan expression yg amat mengagumkan aku, aku hepi amat, hoho~ [berjalan gaya bahagie] mlm tuh, sweeeeet gile... dy nynyi lagu menjemputmu by kangen band... sambil men guitar acoustic! [you know how much it melts me down!] i'm falling a lil bit more to him...


Teringat selalu wajah kekasihku
Saat ku menuai lagu
Coba engkau dengarkan
Ku tuaikan nada lirik lagu sederhana
Ku ceritakan kisah tentang kita


next day, aku call dy [i know! i know!, im overrated, but... i can't help it!] then he sang to me.. Stay by Estrella... [i definitely have to stay!]


Sound straight from the twilight
Has me up all night
I can't fall asleep 'cause I keep thinking of you
And I saw a shadow outside my window and it's you.

All my sorrows flew away
Hush, keep quiet, hear me say
I don't ever want you to go
Please stay
With the moonlight dancing free
And there's no one but you and me
There's no reason to go astray
Please stay.


but then, mlm tu plak, dy men n nynyi lagu My girl, [yg ni] versi melayu..


[aku tatau lyrics dy..huhu]


persoalan nye kat sini..

"adekah normal utk aku fall to him more n more? after all these sweet thing?"

"adekah normal utk aku mempunyai prasaan sebegini?"

"kenape aku rase saket yg amat di bahagian jantong aku?"

"kenape aku rase amat berdose mempunyai prasaan sebegini terhadap dy?"

"did he likes me too, or just playing with my feeling?"


sekian, trime kaseh

[takleyh jiwang pjg2, burok rupenye...]