flying back to hometown, [not literally FLYING] doesnt feel like home much, know why? coz i've been flying to all over the world within a week.

HAHA, suprised huh? well, I've been to,




...pretty much everywhere, hehe

wait up, don't get jealous yet, it is the fact that i've been to all those places, in this week, through my magic electronic device called..my lappy. HURM..sounds fimiliar huh?

YUP YUP YUP. I've been watching series and movies too much, that i feel that i already know those places, and feel like i've been there, SO MANY TIMES.

what if someday, i really go there, i bet, i know where to go, i know all the streets at the back of my head, sounds cool huh?

even if you're showing me some of the pictures, i think i can answer your questions, hihi. DROP IT NURUL AIN, no showing off here. kahkahkah.. KIDDING BTW. but, you can try..coz i wanna try it too.

ok ok, here's the real deal, im addicted to a new found series called FRINGE, the cool thing is, IT'S AWESOME, i like it, i already downloaded the theme song and set it as my messagetone. PHAWW!

The series took place in BOSTON, Massachusette. yeah. "i've been there" i told you.

what makes me think that i know the place is, the series showed up as many as possible places in Massachusette. and the way it 'labelled' it, REALLY COOL, it's like a floating metalic-alphabets, hanging on top of the place or somewhere near, it's fun. it makes you wanna know the next scene took place is. well, that's me, i dont know about you. hehe

The main plot of FRINGE is HARVARD UNIVERSITY, without labelling it, i know it well, yeah, for sure, you watched Love Story in Harvard right? the one with Kim Rae Won? yeah, that is one reason, and the next is, the movie that i watch lately, called, Chasing Liberty.. starring, MANDY MOORE. like her a lot.

that's one place. NEXT is, MANHATTAN, New York.

Arrghh! this place? i think is it just at the back of my house, i [think] i know the place too well, that, when i saw it on TV, i could tell. All the landmarks espeacially, *click2* is just pasting all over in my head.

i bet you guys can tell it too, yeah, there's so many series filming there. like, Gossip Girl for instant. and a movie which i watch lately, Definitely, Maybe. No. NO! The movies itself entitled "DEFINTELY, MAYBE".

haha. i know you got it, i'm just joking. >.< NEXT STATION, BURBANK. [read it like, IMBI]

well.. i dont know much. but i think it's in somewhere near HOLLYWOOD, BEVERLY HILLS,

such a famous place for hollywood stars,isnt it? ah.. nevermind, but i take it as my haunting place as i saw it in CHUCK. kahkah. im funny arent i, YOU BETTER LAUGH! i'm bored. ***i'm writing this in my notepad, the INTERNET got probs, you know how i feel.

SEATTLE. not much about it, but it is in fact the hometown, where Sir Qader Firdaus growing up. *** I'll get back to that later.

SEATTLE, SEATTLE, SEATTLE. hurm, i know a significant landmark there, yeah, watching 6 Seasons of Grey's Anatomy, who couldn't tell? SEATLLE GRACE HOSPITAL, just makes me wonder.

LAS VEGAS. I call it, a city of lights. whenever I see a place with too many colourful lights, neon signs, I say it's Las Vegas, and I dont care if I'm wrong.

Series took place in Las Vegas? A lot! but if you know me, you know what the series i'm about to tell. YEAH! It's CSI : Crime Scene Investigation. THE ORIGINAL CSI i think. erm.. the one with Grissoms? HAHA.. nevermind.

OK, i am done babbling.. see ya!


Nape tetibe aku nak cakap sal cutlery ni? haha, saje je.. teringat peristiwa telapak tanganku ditusuk pisau kerjaan sendiri :D

huhu.. since then, aku agak, geli + seriau menonton pisau... well, pegang boleh, potong buah pon boleh.. just.. at some point, aku takley tengok orang pegang dengan careless nye, without any pre-causious handling that shiny sharp thingy. Burrr...~

well..oleh kerana pisau ni sepupu sepapat sudu dan garfu, aku pon teringat lah satu cerite tentang garfu ni.. BUT! before we get to the story.. aku ade some unique picture of silvery cutlery ni. HUHU.

penah dgr idioms orang putehs, born with the silver spoon in mouth? haaa..bukan nak ckp aku ni sebegitu rupe :D SILVER SPOONS ARE NO WHERE TO BE FOUND IN MY HOUSE'S KITCHEN ye, haha..takot ade yg datang rompak sume sudu garfu aku. KAHKAH.

ni ha.. ye lah, kalo dah kaye, dorunk mmg tade keje. HEHE, silver fork, di bengkang bengkokkan dijadikan pendant, UNIK & COOL isn't it? haha.

ok ok...cakap sal garfu.. ade satu karangan budak darjah 4 ni, yg superb lawak tahap gaban! haha.. malas nak citer pjg, korunk bace lah senirik.. kihkih.. START!

Pagi itu pagi minggu.
Cuaca cukup sejuk sehingga
mencapai takat suhu beku.
Sebab itu saya tidak mandi pagi
sebab air kolah jadi air batu dan air paip
tidak mahu keluar sebab beku di dalam
batang paip. Pagi itu saya bersarapan
dengan keluarga di dalam unggun api
kerana tidak tahan sejuk. Selepas itu
emak saya mengajak saya menemaninya ke
pasar. Tetapi saya tidak mahu. Selepas
emak menikam perut saya berkali-kali
dengan garfu barulah saya bersetuju
untuk mengikutnya. Kami berjalan
sejauh 120 kilometer kerana pasar itu
letaknya 128 kilometer dari rumah.
Lagi 8 kilometer nak sampai pasar saya
ternampak sebuah lori kontena meluru
dengan laju dari arah belakang. Dia
melanggar emak saya. Emak saya
tercampak ke dalam gaung. Dia
menjerit "Adoi!". Lepas itu emak saya
naik semula dan mengejar lori
tersebut. Saya pun turut berlari di
belakang emak saya kerana takut emak
saya melanggar lori itu pula. Pemandu
lori itu nampak kami mengejarnya. Dia
pun memecut lebih laju iaitu sama
dengan kelajuan cahaya. Kami pula
terpaksa mengejar dengan lebih laju
iaitu sama dengan dua kali ganda
kelajuan cahaya. Emak saya dapat
menerajang tayar depan lori itu. Lori
itu terbabas dan melanggar pembahagi
jalan lalu bertembung dengan sebuah
feri. Feri itu terbelah dua. Penumpang
feri itu yang seramai 100 orang
semuanya mati. Pemandu feri itu sangat
marah. Dia pun bertukar menjadi
Ultraman dan memfire pemandu lori.
Pemandu lori menekan butang khas di
dalam lori dia..lori itu bertukar
menjadi robot Transformer. Mereka
bergaduh di udara. Emak saya tidak
puas hati. Dia pun terus menyewa
sebuah helikopter di Genting Highlands
dan terus ke tempat kemalangan. Dia
melanggar pemandu feri yang telah
bertukar menjadi Ultraman itu. Pemandu
feri itu terkejut dan terus bertukar
menjadi pemandu feri semula lalu
terhempas ke jalanraya. Pemandu feri
itu pecah. Pemandu lori sangat takut
melihat kejadian itu. Dia meminta maaf
dari emak saya. Dia menghulurkan
tangan ingin bersalam. Tetapi emak saya
masih marah. Dia menyendengkan
helikopternya dan mengerat tangan
pemandu lori itu dengan kipas
helikopter. Pemandu lori itu
menjerit "Adoi..!" dan jatuh ke bumi.
Emak saya menghantar helikopter itu ke
Genting Highlands. Bila dia balik ke
tempat kejadian, dia terus memukul
pemandu lori itu dengan beg tangannya
sambil memarahi pemandu lori itu di
dalam bahasa Inggeris. Pemandu lori
itu tidak dapat menjawab sebab emak
saya cakap orang putih. Lalu pemandu
lori itu mati. Tidak lama kemudian
kereta polis pun sampai. Dia membuat
lapuran ke ibu pejabatnya tentang
kemalangan ngeri itu. Semua anggota
polis di pejabat polis itu terperanjat
lalu mati. Orang ramai mengerumuni
tempat kejadian kerana ingin
mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi.
Polis yang bertugas cuba menyuraikan
orang ramai lalu dia menjerit
menggunakan pembesar suara. Orang
ramai terperanjat dan semuanya mati.
Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya ke
pasar untuk mengelak lebih ramai lagi
yang akan mati. Di pasar, emak saya
menceritakan kejadian itu kepada
penjual daging. Penjual daging dan
peniaga-peniaga berhampiran yang
mendengar cerita itu semuanya terkejut
dan mati. Saya dan emak saya terus
berlari balik ke rumah. Kerana terlalu
penat sebaik saja sampai di rumah kami
pun mati. Itulah kemalangan yang
paling ngeri yang pernah saya lihat
sebelum saya mati.

ok.. that's all for today.. see ya! :D


Oh kereta..
kereta ini, kereta idaman ku, huhu..

*macam tade keter laen dr aku kecik sampai besar, Volvo, Volvo, Volvo!*
haha, tade lah oleh kerana minat bapak ku terhadap Volvo, aku juga turot sama, and.... i know what you guys gonna say to me ..;

"Lesen tak dapat lagi, duk gila kat keta"
HAHA, right? lesen belakang citer ye miss, aku dah totally give up sudeh, sedey aku ckp sal lesen, "dah 3 tahun saye mencube, still, tak de rezeki" *bajet cam mencube nak dapat anak je* HAHA :))

anyway, aku rase agak bahagie kalo ayah aku suroh aku drive die ke umah kawan2 die yg berdekatan, EVEN dekat je, aku rase bahagie, HAHA.. biaselah, slame ni, bapak i tak percayekan saye, skunk, i dah skit2 boleh laaaa, nak drive, HAHA,

OOOH! CAR IS SCARY you know! *for me la* aku duk kat tempat driver tuh, rase cam... aaaaa..TAKOT! haha.. aku kagom gile ngan mane2 manusie, yg leh bwk keter, HAHA, ternganga aku melihat dorunk.

ok ok, surrender, meh laa, aku citer sal hari JPJ test aku.

Bangon awal gile! tak penah aku bangon seawal tuh, even time sekolah pon, HAHA , **alah, ade je senanye, nak exaggerate sket, HAHA

ok, pastu, aku pergi la.. naek moto, kol 6.44 pagi tuh, huhu lalu kat BITARA **name tempat memandu tu lah* pergh, gelap lagi, tade org pon, HAHA, semangat gile, rase malu kat diri sendiri, HAHA, then, aku round2 jap kampong, nek moto pagi2, haha, rase cam skolah plak, HAHA, then pegi isi minyak moto.. huhuhu.. best2
*da la arini ade JPJ datang kampong, slamber je tak pakai helmet, agak gedebey ye saye ni*
then, sampai2 je, duk. macam dungu i tell you. MUAHAHAHA.. org laen sume dtg dekat2 kol 8, HAHA, rupenye tak ikot letak2 kad dah, dorunk ikot number dlm list JPJ tu.. huhu

then, sume2 dah ready ah ni, aku nye turn yg ke-8, aku pon.. berpeloh2 dah ni berdebar2, HAHA.. 1st2, bukit parking.

Bukit? huhu 1st trial, terlebih garisan kuning, hoho, turon balik, 2nd trial, OK! masok! then, time nak turon, keter aku terkebelakang, tapi, JPJ tak nmpk, KAHKAH, cheated!

Parking? OK!
3 penjuru? OK!

great! aku lulos yg tuh! huhu!


yes2, as you guys might already know..aku fail jln raye, HAHA. ish, malas ah nak citer, sedih :(
cet! tade nye nak sedih, dah sape suroh takot2 sgt, hoh! CUAK NAK MAMPOS!

awal2 aku nak masok kereta tuh, JPJ tuh dah bising, "APEHAL AKU NYE TURN JE ASYEK LAMBAT" err... aku ke lambat? aku baru je siap Bukit Parking, tak sempat duduk pon lagi, trus kene duduk dlm keter..err..geruun..

then, masok2 je, dah ade kesalahan, pintu tak tutop rapat! HAHA, bongok! handbreak tak angkat, OWWWH! HANDBREAK is my weakness! aku tak penah nak igt handbreak! aarrghh!
ok then, tak lulos kat trafic light, kes mati enjin, n gagal on enjin n bergerak seperti biase dalam lampu isyarat hijau, HAHA. LAWAK!

then, die drive balik BITARA. hurm.. dalam kereta amat awkward, aku pon, breaking the silence dgn konon2 nye berramah mesra ngan JPJ tuh..

aku : Encik name ape encik ? *tanye name time dy tgh beleter kat aku sal jalan raye*
JPJ : Cik ********* ********* *mati aku kalo jumpe blog aku ni*
aku : ooo..cik dah lame keje JPJ ni?
JPJ : saye baru je lagi.. adelah dalam 15 tahun.. *cakap dgn bangga nye*
aku : ohh.. "baru"nye.. hehe
JPJ : eeh.. baru lah tuh, berbanding ngan JPJ2 yg laen2, ade yg 20-30 tahun dah bekerja, saye ni, baru je lagi ni.
aku : ooo..

*situasi bertuka jadi dy bercerite, haha, tade la kene marah n awkward je dlm keter tuh kan, hihi..*
then, die siap bagi aku semangat, and suroh aku book dlm minggu tu gak kes aku ckp aku tak sempat dah nak wat sekali lagi kes aku dah nak masok U nnt, hehe.

die siap ckp "saye doakan awak akan lebih confident dlm next test."


ok, trivia aku bwk keter, more like, posing dlm keter~ :)

kihkih, cute je ;)


Dear Apple,

kalo dulu, aku semangat nak fix our friendship for my mistakenly confession on 14th august to 16th august 2009, time tuh aku fly ke viet, with no text for you and from you, i came back, wondering why were you avoiding my texts, my phone calls.

i work it out for 2 weeks, try to get you back, as my friend, i would do anything just to make you my friend again. that time, i just dont want to waste such a 'fun' guy like you.

i admit my mistake, i made you uncomfortable, i shouldnt do that at the first place. but i never thought you take it so seriously, like i said, i thought that you are a cool guy.

but now, which is, several months later, something happen again, this time, i dont ever think to get you back. i think, it is better off this way, better if we're not friend.. EVER

it is surely hard for me, to see you. but, i acted cool, coz i am cool. because this is not the 1st time i handle this, quite several time already, yeah, love is not my kinda thing... love hates me i supposed :)

but.. you seems like a different case for me, i wonder if i can survive. but i know i WILL. NO DOUBT.

you oftenly hurt me, i didnt tell you... well, at least not right away. but i wont let you just be free with the mistake you did, i made you apologized, you did. good for you. but then, the heart inside, who knew?

i made you a lot of things, using my own efforts, my time, my money, but then, all those things are never reach you.. know why? coz you were once rejects one of them.

then why should i troubled myself do all these? coz i was hoping one day, you will open up your mind and heart to me, only that time, i gave all of what i've made as a gift to you. i just waited it patiently... in the end, i think my patient worth nothing.

now? what happen to all those thing? i treasured it. leave it there. whatever it is, my time and efforts are in there. i'm not gonna throw it out. no way.

hope this will be the last letter i ever wrote to you, here. HOPE.