I'm sure what am I feeling, nor thinking. I just feel like, I don't like her. Well, it's definitely my call to like her or not, but, not really necessary to say an immediate "NO" when I'm not even friends with her.

She seems nice, and cute ( I solemnly can't deny that ) but then, I can't accept the fact that she is now, closed with one of my guy friends, and to be said, they are now a couple.

Urrgh, feeling like she's taking him from me, when I'm not even THAT close with him. But, I just can't say YES to their relationship. It just feel, so wrong. There's something wrong, I don't know if it's with me, or there are really something wrong with their relationship.

I feel like singing Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend to my guy friend's face.

"Hey! Hey! YOU! YOU! I don't like your girlfriend, NO WAY! NO WAY! I think I need a new one"

*sigh* Truth to be said, It's not like I wanna keep him for myself, even though I would KILL to have him, but, NO, he's not right form me too. I can feel it. I just care about him, like he's my own lil' brother, I just wish someone better for him, and I know, definitely NOT her.

What is the problem that I have with that girl? I DON'T KNOW EITHER. Well, maybe coz I know a lil bit of her past relationship. Well, maybe she's change now, so that we can give her a chance, or maybe not.

Or maybe they are just SO perfect together that I just so jealous of them? I don't know, I JUST DON'T KNOW.I couldn't figure it out myself. It could be that. But, who knew.

Or maybe that guy ex-girlfriend is my friend, so I feel what she's feeling? Maybe. I always steal away some other's feeling. Well, putting myself in their shoes and letting me understand them even more.

But I know, my girl'd be fine. She's cool. I hope so.

What ever it is, his relationship is none of my business. I have to wish them a bless of joy in their relationship.

I'm sorry if I was being unreasonable, I just giving out what I feel towards it. I hope, I hurt no one's feeling.

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