Dalam seminggu yang lepas, ade salah seorang sahabat aku, tanye on behalf of sahabat, kat aku. Soalan nye berbunyi seperti ni ;

"Macam mane nak tackle/flirt ngan guy yang baru lepas clash"

Wow. Minxy! I like! So.. I kinda spice it up a lil' bit. Aku bagi every little thing that I can think of. Haha. Aku tak sure la kalau mende tu jadi ke tak, but, I try my best to place me in that other girl shoe.

Well. The evil begins. Lil did I know that I would do the exact things I told her... to my heartbroken friend who came to me...

Jeng! Jeng! Jeng!

Jahat nye aku, baru aku tawu. Kawan aku ni, hensem, YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE I BEFRIEND WITH A HOT GUY LIKE THAT. I'd be dying to have him. *gatai*

But... NO.

I knew that. That would be super weird ,dude. He's one of my oldest friend for-crying-out-loud.

Ok, back to the main topic. This young handsome and heartbroken guy, came to me, seeking for someone to hear him. (Oh.. I definitely heard him. He doesn't need to ask.) *kehkeh*

He told me how sad he was, and wanted to talk to me about it. As much as seeking for my advice and help. But, the evil mind of mine said, *not out loud nor to him*

"You're gonna be mine, Fella!"

I snap! I shut my mouth. Tetibe aku rase jahat gile. *gulp* Tapi, who am I kidding la kan, sesape je leh tangkap yang aku already see the light at the end of the tunnel shines kan.. HEHE. *Mate bersinar-sinar*

But then, I came back to my sense, I shouldn't do this, He's my friend! Haha.

He keeps saying, "I need someone..."

and the EVIL me keep saying "You need me...MUAHAHAHA". And one time he said repeatedly that he needed someone, Evil speak to my mind "ARRGHH! Just say you NEED ME! I won't bite"

Ade jugak mase bile EVIL me cakap dalam hati "Kau tengok gambar raye aku cun la tu kan, that's why kau tego aku kan? Suke kat aku la tuh"

"Biar aku je la jadi awek kau"

Ok... I've gone overboard.. :D
*please note that, none of that evil speaking thing be said to him.. just me and my mind.

OH, trust me, segala apa yang tertera diatas is based on a true event.

OH! Jahat nye aku, ibarat macam, aku happy sangat that he's hurt. Eww. Die tuh bukan maen heartbroken, and sweet sangat bile die cakap, die nangis on the way balik KL, dalam kereta. OH MAN! HE's SWEET! *Yep, I find a guy that cries is sweet, what you got?

I have to be on his side! So, get back to my sense, and say, everything he needs to hear. I wish I could have help him out, but, even you know that I could only listen to him. Poor him.

That lil' bitch two-timing on him! hoh! If only I got license to kill. Tapi apekan daya, lesen kereta pon tak lepas.

Tak paham aku. Macam mane orang sehensem sebaek sesweet dan sekaye this fella boleh di two-timingkan? Kalo aku la kan, aku stick to him for infinity and beyond!

Well, I guess everybody got his/her own reason.

So, Sorry my fella. I'm wishing you the best.. *and hope that someday your heart open for me...*evil talking**

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