I kinda in need of money.

Coz I got my eyes on something. I was wondering how ever do I want to earn money, when I am not capable of working physically right now?

Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to work, whatever job that makes me an independent girl. I can imagine myself working at 7-11, I must say. I saw all of the opportunity before my eyes, but, it's my mom. She wont let me.

I was serious when I thought I could actually work at a Abang Kidd's but hey, he said he wont take part timers. *sigh*

So I thought of doing crohets bussiness, but trust me, crohets needs a lot of time to work on it, and I can't demand high price since the 'modal' was cheap.

Im not good with bussiness thing. But I am capable of saving money.

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