*Berlari lari kepasrahan, sambil air mata bergenang... penglihatanku kabur, lalu jatuh tersembam ke lantai* Muahaha! Ade gaya film melayu? Ya btol! 

Anyway, bukan hajat aku untuk berdrama, tapi bergimmick. Aku ade story, yang kinda making me feel a lil bit, violated, or if that word is too strong, I might say, abused. Didn't work? Nevermind. Hear me till the end of the story, and you judge!
Pokoknya, aku travel balik dari Perak ke KL dr pukul 7 pagi, dalam pukul 10 cantu, straight ke MidValley, ayah I nak beli seluar, since mak I merantau ke Johor Melaka lawat nenek I, beliau agak tidak terurus dari segi packing up stuff. Turned out, he only brought a pair of trousers when he suppose to fly to Jakarta the next morning. *sigh*

Anyway! Kadang kala, bile dah lame dah tak breakfast ni, tetibe lawat umah orang yang actually serve breakfast every-single-day, ape lagi kan, amek peluang la kan... so.. alamat nye, perut meragam.

Meragam as in, nak melabur saham la! Yikes! In search for comfortable toilet which has the hand pipe, I choose the squat one. Sunnah Nabi if you please. Somehow, I'm not quite comfortable WHEN, someone/anyone outside can actually, SEES me?!


Aku dalam position dah ni, dah get ready to RUMBLE~! Tapi tetibe, aku tersembur air dekat lantai bawah pintu. Kalo anda belajar physics OR has common sense, you should know, that water DOES reflects images.
Work as well as mirror if you happen to have a puddle of water on a black tiles. It looks pretty much like black mirror where you can actually sees an expression of your face.

So, I freeze. BUTTNAKED FREEZE. What should I do?

Let me tell you something, when you line up in a public restrooms, do your head face up, straight, left, right? I bet you're looking down, at your toes probably. You don't want to look straight, otherwise, you'll be looking at the door. Look up? There's nothing up there, Left right? You might caught someone's eye, and It's really awkward. *Shivers*

I hold back my "insides", I think, "Should I continue, and ignore, or should I get out from here?" 

I wanna do some serious shit y'know, I dont want to have people butting in my business yo. *Nigga style*

Ottokae? Here's some image to help you imagining.

As you can imagine, that girl can actually sees my face, what expression I have on. Oh Hello~! Muke teran is one thing you don't wanna see from ANY HUMAN BEING. HAHA

Aku tenung je dekat air tuh, tengok muke pompuan tuh, her EYES looks directly at me. I bet she saw my eyes too. I thought that she might not see me, since she's been staring for too long *while I freeze* Then i saw her eyes looks away, as she can feel that I saw her looking at me, she back off a lil bit, little by little, and she's gone.

Phew! But that doesnt make me wanna go on with my business! I must clean up hurriedly before some other face came out. And it did. As you can see, people are lining up, one go in, one is still waiting behind. *sigh*

And this person looks at the same spot. *sigh* I get up while pulling up my pants, then, it got me thinking. Physics all over again. 

If I can see their faces (who is standing fixedly) while I was squatting down, that's mean, if I got up, they will probably see the same spot where my eye level was, when I was squatting... so that's mean, it's bellow my belly! 


Whoever design this toilet should be in HELL!

Luckily, I pulled up my pants fast enough, so, to console myself, none of any people out there see anything they should not see.

I went out, but not abandoning my business, I went to look for other MAKE SENSE toilet. And I found one, the newly build, clean, and wide enough to fit 5 persons :D

Everything happen for a reason.

P/S: Bukan niat aku bercerita tentang Tahi atau Berak lately, things happen :D



 Hangpa tau dak, aku mak sedara orang? *slang ape ntah aku ckp* 
Berikut yang diatas, aku kait khas untuk anak sedare aku yang baru je lahir on 3rd May 2011. Dapat je msg dr ayah aku dlm kul 6 petang tuh, aku pon buat la, on the dot. This takes me less than an hour. Maybe sebab excited sangat kot.

 Ha ! NI ade la budak kelas Yura yang kaya sangat nak order 2 pencil case. Mintak kaler same plak tuh, tapi aku reverse kaler. 

Close up! I like to look at the details.


Meet the 'STAFF'

Ni, Stuffed Hello Kitty yang aku kait pada dahulu kala. Last last jadi tempat aku letak crochet hooks ngan jarum jaruman. Yay! 

These guys are the most important in this industry. The YARNS. Without them, none of those other staff will ever exist XD HAHAHA.

This is my Beloved Hard Disk cover(?). Special combination colors, Keeps my HD warm(?) and protected.

Meet the Sushies(?) staff. They got nothing to do with this project. Just the come out result. They are all available if you want to purchased. XD. Well, except for the Tamagoyaki (Sushi with the egg roll on top) one. It's MINE!



Aish, pening aku nak susun-susun gambar ni, Ok. Now, reveil.
I know I know, not that amusing. But I try my best. I'm not that kinda pro in crochets. Atleast I made something that eventually turn out to be the one I imagine. Yay for me !

And up there, is pencil cases, if you're wondering. And yes, they have zipper. *sigh when Farah ask if there's any* The white one is originally for me. Some extra flowers for myself, thank you~ la la la. And the Yellow one, some extra stripes of colors. :D

The other four was booked, and long gone :D

Here's some close up for you to see the detail. I am so much into that pattern of flowers, so don't ask me if I can make another type of flower. 

By any chance you're asking me the price? *Sigh* I'm not really good at placing a price, but I may have surveyed , and for now, I tell you that the white pencil case with 3 flowers, I should tag it, RM10. A lot more flowers, a lot more raise. Ke ke.

I don't know if I'm gonna pursue making a sale through my blog, I'm just not ready. Just wanna share. But if you have any question or anything, just text me? comment? anything. I'll try y best. :D

I'll update later. See ya~!


Ta-da! Mule-mule hajat nak buat selimut, ntah hape jadi dah. *sigh*


Bosan-bosan duk rumah, ni je la keje aku. Nak kene beli yarm lagi, baru leh sambung buat besar lagi selimut ni. Nanti I unveil semua project I ye. Wait up! Leave comments la!


Pagi pagi lagi mak aku dah bising kat telinga aku cakap 

"Hey! Tamao pegi tengok Kapten kawen ke?"

Dengar je perkataan tuh, melompat aku bangun tercegat atas katel, sambil anggok anggok

"Nak nak nak nak nak....."

Sape Kapten ni?

Flashback to 9 May 2011.

Tengah-tengah sedap aku menonton movie kat office bapak aku, tetibe aku dengar ade orang bagi salam

Orang : Assalamualaikum~

Mendayu-dayu bunyi nye, aku intai sket dr dalam umah, WOAH! I'm blind! Aku pon kalot malot duk carik tudung nak tutup aurat *ceh* tapi pakai baju tidoq. *sigh* Aku bukak sliding door tu sipi je, nak intai, oh rupenye yang berkilau sangat tadi tuh, kepala botak licin beliau. *keh keh keh*

Aku pon bukak pintu dengan mulot ternganga umpama ade burger king size depan mata. Fulamak! Hensem botak batak mamat ni! Mukenye milky white! Matanye bulat macam kuceng! Badannya tough ! Senyumnya... *jaakkk!* (arrow from love cupid struck to the heart) *dies*

Beliau : Ni, Haji Wahab suruh sampaikan. *Smiles*

SOPAN! Salu orang yang image botak ni, dalam movie-movie, macam thug je... ni sopan, senyumannye boleh buat ovaries aku vibrate!

Dengan aku muke separa hidup dan ternganga tu, slow slow beliau mengundur diri, meninggalkan tampak senyuman yang merdu(?) beliau tuh.

Aku tersengih sengih macam kerang busuk (tak mandi pagi, jumpe laki botak hensem).

Tanpa berlengah, aku tengok apakah utusan yang disampaikan oleh beliau.

Sebelum itu..! Aku selitkan coretan love at first sight aku dr twitter! Bace from bottom to the top ya kawan-kawan!

 Jeng Jeng Jeng! Aku bukak je invitation card tu, air muka aku terus berubah. Baru nak hyper dengan kisah hidup yang baru dengan kewujudan abang botak yang hensem.

Nama dekat kad kawen tu, terang lagi bersuluh : KAPT. LU*Q*MAN HA*KIM (Takot kang name bliau keluar kat search engine, so, kene modify)

What's to doubt? definitely him! Sape yang salunye botak? KAPTEN! Sape yang salunye tegap? KAPTEN! *Sigh* Ape-ape pon! Aku excited! Sebab ade peluang jumpe that angelic like guy again, ATTEND HIS WEDDING THEN!
Yippie! At least leh tengok beliau, at his best day. And kalo boleh, nak tengok gak, who's the bride.
Although, I would love to be the one :D

Sedutan dari twitter update saye :D Bottom to top, remember? And by bottom to top, i meant for every picture. *Sigh* I'm just so lazy to attach them all together, so there, in parts.

Dan twitter lagi. Terima kasih kepada yang memberi mata dan telinga untuk update saya yang agak, err.. what the word? Anyway. Thanks. Esp, Assila and Minoh, my loyal tweet buds. :D

*End of Flash back*

Fast forward to 29 May 2011, D-Day! 

Lepas aku melompat je bangun, aku terus pegi mandi. Tengah-tengah mandi tu, rase malas menular dr dalam diri *nak test kuasa BM aku, mcm low class je kan? ape aku kesah?* Tapi, bile je aku rajen? Tak kire! Aku a bit wonder, mane la tawu, kapten ni kawen dengan bawak konco-konco beliau ke kan, seronok gak expirience different style of wedding kan. So, bermekap la aku sikit, pakai shawl siap. Tak penah hayat nak rajen pakai shawl :D

Dalam perjalanan nak pegi tu, mak aku macam cube nak recall la sape la Luqman ni kan, dy dah lupe dah mane satu anak Haji Wahab tu name Luqman. Then, dy pon macam ingat ingat lupe, beliau pon berkata

"Kalo luqman yang anto surat tu sampai kat rumah, logic la, since rumah ni bukan nye senang nak carik, lagipon dulu luqman tu penah anta mama balik dari amik exam Public Mutual sekali aritu."

Make sense la kan, ape-ape pon, kene pegi gak tengok luqman tu, betul ke tak yang datang anta invitation tuh.

Sampai la kat umah beliau. Aku steady je, takkan nak melompat plak kan, tapi jalan nak ayu je. Jumpe la makcik ni, jiran kat umah aku, datang jugak kawen si Luqman ni. Aku senyum, and salam peluk cium bagai, kenal nye tak pon :P Well, I duk KL lame tau. HAHA.

Masuk bawah kemah, tertinjau-tinjau gak aku kat dalam umah beliau, nak tengok groom, bride tade la sangat nak tengok. Makan tu mesti! dr pagi tak makan ni. :D

Mak aku pon panggel la kakak si Luqman ni, cakap, "Mak cik ani nak tengok la Luqman ni, aritu cakap nak jadi ustaz, nape tetibe Kapten plak ni, cube panggel keluar jap"

Mak aku memang bace pikiran aku, OH MAMA! Thank you! HAHA.

Bride and Groom pon keluar la. AIH? Bald - No! Tough - NO! Milky white - NOT EVEN CLOSE!

THAT'S not the one who came by the house! YAY!

Semangat aku type keypad aku and hit send to Twitter.

 Mak aku tanya la kat Luqman yang kawin yang tak botak, and yang tak tough, and tak puteh tuh. (Jaoh berbeza dengan yang datang umah tuh, complete opposite) Beliau senirik tatau sape incharge sending the invitation to our house. It is really curious since, no one really know the way to our house, unless....

 Unless he live near by the house! How could I not see this coming ??! Isn't this cool or what? For about, what, 20 days I keep believing that Luqman guy is the guy who came by the house and give out the invitation, and that is just a false alarm? and that bald guy is always HERE living inside the house which the roof I can see from the window from inside my room? Hell yeah! That is just sick. I've gone to the wedding which is, to almost a town away, hoping to see the guy, who is living next to this house? Hello? Fate is calling? I most certainly have to answer that!

And there's more to it.

And what is that telling you? You tell me. Be the judge. I leave it, to your imagination.

I'll update is the fate is playing nice to me. :D


A word a day :


According to my mom :- Tahik sejenis(?) benda(?) yang malas. Buktinya, tahi malas untuk bergerak sehinggakan nak keluar pon nak kena teran. HAHA. Classic. *tepuk tangan*

Selalu nya, proverbs ini ditujukan kepada aku orang-orang yang malas untuk membuat kerja rumah.

*Macam geli la plak kalo aku pegi search gamba tahi/najis kat google, so aku doodle senirik. Well, saye tade la manatam pen doodle tu kan, so... manual sudeh.