What's in it?

The Stuffs That I Stuffed In

ni beg aku, bru beli, 20ya sje, time tu lelong, haha, kat uptown, gi ngan kakak aku, pastu jumpe K.Ratna, haha, ok, what stuff I stuffed in? see below

upper, left to right :
  1. Sudoku
  2. Everyday Korean Dictionary
  3. Hello Kitty Purse
  4. Ketip Kuku
  5. Celak Cine
  6. Hair Clip
  7. Lead Pencil
  8. Shaker
lower, left to right :
  1. Card Reader
  2. Body Shop Perfume, Aztique
  3. Public Mutual handy kit
  4. Olympus Cam
  5. Motorola RAZR V3x , Pink
  6. Damp Tissues
  7. Rubic's Cube
well, let's start with upper :
  1. Sudoku :- huhu, buku ni comes in handy, esp. bile tunggu sumthing2 a, cth: tunggu order sampai, or tunggu turn masok bilik air, or, tgh2 duk lepak2 time shopping2 tuh, leyh la wat 2-3 muke surat, hihi, korunk tau kan, apemende sudoku ni kan? yg tatau, pegi cari dlm wikipedia la. next!
  2. Everyday Korean Dictionary :- errm, dict ni mak aku beli kat kuantan, menurut katenye, mmg susah nak cri dictionary ni, at last jumpe gak, well, mane tau, kalo2 jumpe org korea ke, leyh la gune dict tuh, hahah, prepare for trouble, haha
  3. Hello Kitty Purse :- Purse la mek, letak pitis, well, purse ni kakak aku kasik, ermm, sweet tak? hihi, aku mmg disayangi ramai, hihi, oh well , kami peminat Hello Kitty!
  4. Ketip Kuku :- sje je, maybe next time it will come in handy, hihi, owh esp. time nak tanggalkan tande harge kat baju, hihi.
  5. Celak Cine :- Aku tade a Mabelline nye, or M.A.C or Loreal ni, aku gune celak cine je, tu pon asiah yg kasik. dy ckp belik at Mydin RM3 je, haha.
  6. Hair Clip :- Well, kalo benti semayang kat ane2, nak kene clip rambot gak, hihi, just something that i have to use.
  7. Lead Pencil :- Of coz la nak kene gune mende time lead pencil dlm pencil da habes kan, next!
  8. Shaker :- Owh bg sesape yg kenal aku, aku mmg suke Shaker ni, huhu, kalo time duk maahad dulu, pegi kantin pon bwk pencil, nak contong meje, haha, well, in this case, aku nak wat sudoku tu la, kene la ade pencil, hihi
Lower plak :
  1. Card Reader :- Mostly kalo aku jln2 umah abg aku ke, tgkap2 gmbr, nak upload dlm pc, kene la gune card reader ni, hiii, tak pon kalo2, nak masokkan lagu dlm memori card from pc to phone, [bukan phone aku a, phone yuta].
  2. Body Shop Perfume , Aztique :- Perfume aku a, haha, best pe bau dy, well, aku gune 2 jenis perfume, RougeBerry, n Aztique, hihi, Aztique for mlm, pagi Rougeberry, hihi, ntah hape2 tapi "ter"jadi kebiasaan..hihi
  3. Public Mutual handy kit :- Percume dr Public Mutual, well, dlm ni ade mcm2 a, gunting, ketip kuku lagi, mende yg cabot uban tuh, errm, gilap kuku, huhu, aku ni bwk mende2 ni kes, mak ayh aku kadang2 nak gune, mintak je ngan aku, aku carry a lot of things maa.
  4. Olympus Cam :- Well, senanye, Cam ni abg aku nye, aku [or ayh aku] nye Canon Lumix, nape aku letak Olympus nye? well, what do you think that snap this pict meh? haha
  5. Motorola RAZR V3x, Pink :- Tadenye cool2 hp ni, aku nye beser2 je, beli sehari sebelom raye 2 tahun lepas, abg aku banje, hihi, best je gune, aku ni tak cerewet la sgt.hihi
  6. Damp Tissues :- Owh cilok kat restorant, haha, tapi ye a, kalo jln2, muke berminyak la, berdebu la, mcm2 a, haha, siyesly, mende2 cni kene salu ade dlm beg, hihi
  7. Rubic's Cube :- Oh yeah, mende ni mmg fav, duk dlm keter, mmg wajib men, haha, 2-3 kali siap pon tape, haha, suke yg amat menatam ni, hahaha. aku terer kot.haha
well, rakan2 taulan, sile la,jgn malu2, serlahkanlah ape saje yg ade dlm beg anda masing2, esp kwn2 yg dlm list aku tuh, nak aku copy paste name2 mereke? beress

mereka ialah :

Aiqha Zetty

ala2 tag la jugak kan, huhu, well, show me what you got!

Driving Lesson

Lesson 4
the 3hours amali

amacam, cute tak aku pakai topi besar gedabak?

owh, on 25th Feb, yakni, bukan arini, aku standby for amali motor, 3 hours, aku n kai er bertemu lgi la jwbnye, and FYI, aku n abg dy da tak contact, hihi, nevermind, aku citer nnt a,

ok, sesampai sje aku kat BITARA [name institut memandu tu la], Kai Er pon dtg, wow, dy pakai lengan pjg arini, kinda hot the way she wears it, hihi, hot flamming red sweater, with whity white long stripes pants, hihi, patu, dy beli helmet dy senirik, hihi, patu, 1jam tunggu nak test tuh, Kai Er, Aku, n Akma [some girl , kakak actually, sits behind us, join us] surrender awal2 lagi kat cegu, cakap kitorg tak reti bawak motor, hihi, Kai Er senanye reti je, tapi dy lupe cne ke hape ntah, then, kitorg kene tggu la lagih, lepas tuh, tgk la ramai2 manusie menjalankan amali dorunk, perrgh,, bab ayong2 tgn tu yg lemah tuh, hihi, then, ade sorung laki surrender gak, tak reti gak bwk motor, i assume he's younger than us, patu, so jadilah kami ber4 yg tak reti bwk motor.

Then, kene pegi kat litar len, then special sket, cegu aja satu2, kat mane gear, kat mane break kaki, kat mane ni , kat mane tuh, [oh well, aku tahula sume2 tuh, tapi tatau cne nak gune fungsi2 mereke] then, bile da aja satu2 tu, boleyh lah kami menunggang motor, hihi, tade la susah sgt, tapi ye a, bwk je reti, tapi tatau pape, tatau nak break emergency cne, nak gune gear ape time mase2 cne, ape2 je la, patu, round2 a kat litar tuh jap, patu, kene round2 kat litar yg wat amali tuh, yg titi tu, peerrghh, org bwk 7saat, aku bwk dekat 2saat je, hahaha, mengom, tapi tape, cegu kasik je aku L, aku kan cute, hihi,

then waktu rehat, Kai Er Blanje! huhu, Air aku, air cegu, air cegu len, n air JPJ, hahaha.dy ckp dy nak rasuah JPJ tuh, haha, dy kasik tu kes kebetulan JPJ tu tgh ckp ngan cegu yg dy nak kasik air tuh, hihi, amali mane ade JPJ lagi, huhu

errm, hehe, pastu, Kai Er kasik aku 5 lagi number2 kawan laki dy, hihi, chinese la ofcoz, aku tak contact pon lagi...nnt la..bile aku desperate sket, hihi, [aku tak penah nye desperate dlm bab2 ni, aku maybe malas sgt nak contact2 org ni] tapi mane tau kan, nnt2 a. hihi. Kai Er mintak gmbr aku, dy ckp nak tunjok kat abg dy, aku kasik je, aku kan cute, hihi..

then, aku ckp kat Kai Er, yg dy tu maxis, n aku ni celcom, aku takleyh nak msg dy sokmo2, kes msg mahal, patu dy baru tahu, yg celcom ke maxos tu 20sen, patu dy pon kalot la ni, duk kire brape da dy gune, dlm sebulan, patu, takot ayah dy tarek balik number line dy, hihi, patu dy da tak msg2 sgt da aku..haha..aku spend msg ngan dy ade a dlm 20ya, mujo aku ni tak gune sgt henset, haha

erm, tu je la kot, hihi

Reminiscing Time!

Chapter One

hihi, macam nak wat citer la plak, berchapter2 ni..hihi, anyway, tadi aku mejengok ke blog nadiah, post title, dont judge a book by it's cover, well, it's definitely true, aku stuju ngan kate2 kesat mu terhadap manusia yg mempermuka2kan muke mereka apebile kite bgtau mereka2 bhw kite ex-skul agame, hissh, aku nye, berbeda sket ngan nadiah, well, it starts when aku bru mule2 pindah kat skul "baru" & "terpakse" aku tuh, SMKPM, [korunk tau kan...aku bukan nye nak pindah skul tuh..hihi]

well, walopon 1st day aku masok kelas, kedatanganku berintersect ngan tepukan gemuruh, [hahaha], tetapi, lil did i know that something wrong will fall upon my destiny [ceeyhh..ayt takleyh blah..hihi]

ok ok, straight to the point, menurut tutur kate aku tadi bahawa kisah aku ni berbeda ngan nadiah kan, so cni, aku clearly muke baik, n plus, aku, still,pegi skolah yg separa jahel tu pakai tudung laboh yg mane lebeyh laboh dari yg aku pakai kat maahad dulu, and yeah, menurut cerita kesah idop aku yg tue setahun dari mereka itu memperjelaskan kepade mereka2 bhw aku clearly budak sekolah agame dulu, so tade la plak org nak wat muke or mate terbeliak kalo aku ckp aku ni ex-maahad kan, ohohohohoh..tapi, ade tapi nye, kerane dlm satu sentence yg wujud pekataan tapi tuh, bermakne ayat yg diplacekan selepas ayat "tapi" itu adalah ayat yg negative drpd ayt yg sebelom pekataan tapi itu, [keling berkate2]

TAPI, ade yg tak puas hati akan kebenaran yg aku ni budak skul agame, well, tak puas hati cne? cni:

ade seko laki dlm kelas aku, bajet hensem , [oh yeah, i admit, kinda hensem, BUT , JAMBU] yg of coz adek dr aku, n of coz, laki yg suke akn publicity murahan yg maka, berlawak bodoh dlm kelas secare terang terangan dpt menyerlahkan kewujudan dy yg gembire malah sukacita apebile segilintir masyarat kelas itu memberikan dy publicity yg dy impikan dr lawak2 bodoh dy tuh,[ayat dibiarkan tergantong] ... [amek nafas jap] ... [cluless] [wes, aku tatau nak ckp pe lagi sal dy, tapi that's it's all about la kot] ...[teruskan ngan main point a]

[main point]

main point nye, ketika dulu kale aku jdi budak bru kelas tu, dy agak baik a ngan aku, pinjam motor aku wat pegi jalan2 [oh yeah, aku ade motor] n men tuka2 poster, mcm cool gile lah kan [bg aku a, setelah 4 tahun skul kat girl's high school] kes mcm aku dilayan mcm kawan yg mcm da lame kawan da kan, patu, tetibe, ade beberape hari kemudian, aku mcm baru perasan yg dy tuh..da mcm tak tego sgt ngan aku, aku pon tak pasan gak, aku maken pasan apebile, dy mcm nk mintak sumthing like gunting ke hape ke kan, dy tye sume org dlm kelas, kecuali aku, clearly! there's something wrong la kan, aku ni takot gak, is there somthing i said? or something i've done, aku kan budak baru, tabest a awal2 lagih da ade org saket hati ngan aku a, lagi pon aku ni mane mungkin melukakan hati org len tetapi lebih sanggop melukekan hati sendiri [isk isk, drama siot] , so aku pon tanye la kwn aku yg mane kawan bek ngan dy gak la kan, aku soh dy tye laki tuh senirik, nape tak bertego sape ngan aku,

so, satu hari, time kawan aku tuh [kwn aku ni duk sebelah aku] ckp2 ngan laki tuh, kat meja aku gak, n aku ade gak kat situ, tapi aku pusing ke meje belakang a, borak2 ngan budak belakang aku, [aku ni banyak mulot o dlm kelas] patu, aku cube pasang tinge la kan, nak dgr ape yg dorunk tu ber"pure2" borak, patu aku dgr satu2 pe dorunk ckp, [takleyh bagitau lagi a..nnt2 sket, biar saspen], dorunk ckp sal aku, [are you kidding me? behind my back? literally BEHIND MY BACK?] , sal knape dy tanak tego ngan aku,

owh cukop terluka gak, tpi curious gak, nak tahu the whole story, aku dpt dgr pekataan2 yg tak brape baik, tapi aku wonder yg dorunk tu ckp sal aku ke tak, tapi clearly, bile kawan aku bgtau aku nape dy BENCI aku, sume persoalaan bg kate2 kesat di belakang aku tu terjawab la kan, rupe2 korunk nak tau nape dy menci aku? [bg org yg da bace blog friendster aku maybe da tau, or bg org yg salu chat ngan aku gak la]

dy menci aku kes aku minat korea, [WTF?] pekataan2 yg tak senonoh yg ditujukan kepade aku ape?

" harap pakai tudung je laboh, minat korea"

patu dy ketok2 meje aku yg mempamerkan muke2 n tusan2 korea n ckp, mende tu jijik,

eh brader, eh silap, lil brader,
tahu la ko jeles ngan aku yg mane aku ni multilanguage tak mcm ko tuh, patu aku tau a ko hampe ngan aku,kes aku tak minat ko, n ko wish sgt aku minat kat ko [ni adelah pekataan perasan semate2] ape jenis org da, minat korea pon ckp aku tak layak pakai tudung laboh, durjane mereka, mereka dan kaum kerabat mereka, like nadiah said, NARROW-MINDED ppl, tapi dy ni terlalu narrow, yg menjudge aku disebalik cover aku, n wrongly judge, i supposed.

tak pasal2 plak, kwn sebelah aku tuh, ibarat mencuahkan minyak petrol on a burning house la plak, ade ke patot ckp,

"kalo awk nak kawan ngan dy awk kene berubah a dulu"

HELLOOOO, may i speak to a human being please, are you kidding me?? macam la aku nak sgt kwn ngan org yg menci aku "saje2" tuh, yg tade silap salah ku terhadap nye, n tak pasal2 aku kalo nak kawan ngan dy aku kene clear desk aku , n letak muke2 dy je, or sumthing2 yg dy approve, WHAT THE F***?? this is WAR! WAR is BEGIN, you dont mess with Zohan, eh silap, NUYU! you've been messing with the wrong pretty girl la ,mate!

so, aku dgn muke slamber plus cantek rupewan ni, bertindak secare dlm a, tade nak mintak publicity MURAHAN mcm dy tuh, ok ok, aku tak la kejam sgt, aku lebeyh kepade, IGNORE THE IGNORANCE PPL, tapi, nak gak wat saket hati dy sket2 kan,

so, kalo time dy wat lawak bodoh dlm kelas, patu bile habes2 da org gelak, aku pon sambonglah gelak ketawe mereka ngan pekataan :

"HAHA. VERY FUNNY." [dgn nada yg amat menyekitkan]

patu dy pon ngamok, haha, tak ke bodoh manusie tuh, org tak gelak kat lawak dy,dy nak ngamok, hahah, BODOH!

eh, dah la, aku tade enjin otak bernas mcm dulu a, kalo dulu lagi byk aku merapu, kalah nadiah, skunk aku jamm a otak, otak aku tido selame 3 bulan da, tak bangun2, kene jolt of electricity kat otak aku ni,

ok, len kali plak la,see ya!

Reminiscing Time!

Nak Windu Gak!
oh, i miss u maahad~!

cett..mane aci..aku nak windu gak! hihi..lepas bace post minoh n amni, citer sal maahad, aku pon jdi windu gak, of coz! aku da tinggal maahad 3 tahun da! isk isk... tu laa..time duk maahad dulu..haih..tak sabar2 nak balik laa..nak lari dr skola la, nak cepat2 habes skola la, patu..bile tgk org yg da pindah/habes skolah tu dtg balik maahad, jupe cegu, jengok2 skolah, ckp

"nape la dorunk ni leyh windu kat maahad ni"

patu bile kak2 exco berceloteh dlm mesjid, ckp

"pecaye la, nnt bile korunk da pindah, korunk akn windu maahad ni balik"

tanak caye, tup2, [i cant bliv i'm gonna say this..] the exco was right...hihi.. mmg windu, that's why..tiap2 tahun aku pegi maahad, kes ade pikah, and maybe tu je kot top priority aku time tuh, hihi, [sorry minoh, amni, nadiah and whoever mahaadian who happen to read this] but that's the main point senanye, tapi! huhu..ade tapi... senyum la sket, haha.. kalo aku nak dtg..aku bagitau sume2, ko pon aku bgtau gak minoh! patu ko blew kat pikah time aku nak wat suprise kat dy..cet! aku dtg pon sekejap je, tak lame, n satu tempat je, n tak sempat nak layan sume2 org [peerggh..aku ramai peminat kot..hihi]

aku nak citer time aku duk maahad plak, huhu.. peralihan, aku pikah amni anith nadiah naim nisah nisrin [aku rase tu je kot, ghah aku takbek lagi time tuh] cam satu geng la gak, tapi aku paling rapat ngan pikah, anith, nadiah n nisah je time tuh, naim n the rest ,bilik len, or salu hang out ngan other group.. awal2, aku salu hang out ngan suzi, budak lawa, mate kaler hazel duh! hihi.. n org salu ckp dy tu sombong, but not to me meh.. walopon mcm da lame aku xhang out ngan dy, pantang jumpe, sure dy tego aku o aku tego dy, not like others, anyway..back to the story meh, hihi [da ade aura ckp cam cine da aku ni..hihi]

ok, 1time wat jahat n get caught, is time aku n anith, n ngan geng2 kakak aku [oh, aku anith nisah n pikah masing2 ade kakak yg ber"geng" n populer kat skul tu, no wonder la populer..hihi]
nak ponteng prep, aku pon nak join, so mase exco or ajk aman [ajk keamanan, manusie yg ditugaskan utk mnjge keamanan? tye la minoh, dy incharge taon lepas, aku pon tatau ape keje mereke senaye..] nak kunci gate/pintu/block asama C, kitorg duduk je la dlm bilik, tu..tak turon..org pon tak nek check..pastu...tup2 dgr ade org nek, ckp2, kebetulan mlm tu ade 2,3,4,5,6 org pegi balai islam wat pe ntah..patu balik tu, leyh naik bilik, kebetulan org yg pegi balai islam tu..ajk aman aku, hihi, so mesti la dy nak naik bilik senirik kan..patu dy ajak raihanah sekali, n adek dy, aku da wat spot siap2 nak nyorok nih, same la ngan kakak aku n the geng [9 eko geng dy..hihi, tapi mlm tuh..maybe 5 je kot] , patu, bile ajk aman nek, aku pon nak duk kat spot aku ni, which is bawah katel, tup2, pompuan tu pegi duduk depan katel yg aku nyorok tuh, bukak nasik n makan2, aku ni tgh duk pegang slimut yg cover katel aku duk ni, letih nak mampos duh! dorunk da la mkn lambat, patu borak2 lagih, patu..aku dgr dorunk ckp nak turun basoh tgn..lega gak aku, tapi aku penat sgt ..aku nk tuka tgn..tetibe, senyap je bilik tuh, patu dgr bisik2, tetibe, pompuan tuh rentap simut yg aku duk pgg tadi, kantoi! haha.. kakak aku n the geng pegi masok bilik len da awal2, aku tak sempat lari, kes nak sgt nyorok kat spot yg aku n anith wat senirik..haha..patu..aku pon surrender la kan, aku pon kuar, btol2kan kaki, patu pompuan tu tye la aku

p : apesal tak turun pegi prep?
aku : huh? tak sempat tadi, tgh2 mandi.. block da kunci.. [wat muke innocent, sambel2 urut kaki]
p : awk sorang je ke?
aku : a'ah
p : *intai bwh katel, nmpk anith*tu sape?
aku : anith [hahahaha]
p : nape dy tak kuar2? tido ke? [padahal anith enggan menyerah diri..walopn da kantoi ,hahaha]
aku : hmm..
p : nape awk tak mintak suroh org kat luar block tulun amekkan kunci, bukak?
aku : tade org pon kat sane [anith pon kuar, n heret aku pegi bilik len]

hahaha, mengom, patu, kakak aku menyedari yg aku dlm bilik tuh lagi kan, dy lewat sekejap je nak cover aku time tuh, kalo dy awl sket, da menjadi da plan tu aku rase, kononnye dy nak masok bilik n da mintak dr exco da, [dorunk sangop turun block ikot pintu belakang, n nek balik ikot pintu atas, 5c] patu kire bile da masok, nak sneek aku out , so that aku tak busted, tapi da terlambat! haha. K.Yan a, smangat gile memper"real"kan keadaan tuh..hihi..

patu, aku kan baik ngan raihanah, so dy pon pujok a kakak ajk aman tu, so tayah la turn we in kat exco kan, patu, kakak tu nak bgtau gak, hihi, patu, kebetulan aku nak kene amek nasik pose [which is actually nasik sahor, kitrg cam pggel nasik pose kes for pose esok], walhal ak tak nak pose pon esok, sje je nak makan malam, hihi.. kene pegi urusetie, patu jumpe exco aman, aku igt lagi nme dy ape, k.nisa', kes org kate muke aku same ngan dy..ntah hape2, patu, dy pon tye aku, sal aku tak turun tu, kakak ajk aman tu ade lagih dlm urusetie tuh, dy tgk je aku, aku act calm a ni, aku kan pelakon utame, aku citer kat exco tu, exactly cam aku citer kat kakak tuh, huhu, n muke, of ocz, innocent je, hihi, patu, bile exco tu da kasik pelepasan kat aku, aku pon nak walk out la ni, exco tu pon pesan, "len kali jgn lewat lagih", aku yg tgh berlalu tuh balas "takleyh nak janji a..hihi" dgn nada yg bersahaje n macam nak ckp, nak wat lagih je, hihi... patu aku lari dr situ..hihi

ntah hape2, len kali la plak aku citer the next episode of Maahad life, hihi, kebas kaki aku nih,

Latest Obsession

Knit Knit!
haha...knitting is fun!

my knitting set, yeah, just that, i'm still learning lorr!

Crochet, 1st try, should be an amigurumi, but turns out to be a small hat..haha
aku tatau nak kasik sape topi kecik tuh, so aku kasik itik "Elizabeth" aku pakai, haha

[name tu adaptasi name Keira Knightly dlm citer Pirates, "Elizabeth Swan"..mihihi]

Crochet, 2nd try, yayy! My 1st Amigurumi! hihi

let's combine the 1st n 2nd try though, haha..kinda cute meh..haha
tatau nak kasik name pe...erm..let see, len kali a aku bgtau, hihi

aku still dlm project lagih, hihi, skunk tgh knit shawl, hihi, bru brape line aku siap, haha, nnt siap aku tunjok a, tade corak2 nye, kes bru nak try wat meh, nnt bile da pro, aku knit bju plak, for my dad..hihi... sweet tak? haha

aku blajar kat tenet je, tgk vid youtube, belana2 org aja cre wat,

Knit Project:

Crochet Project:
Snake Amigurumi

hihi... i will finished those all! it's my nu hobby meh! haha


by Minohstream

Senaraikan 5 hadiah yang anda impikan:

+ Seko Anak Harimau
+ Percutian ke Korea
+ Chinesse/Korean/Japp Boyfriend
+ Giordano Watch
+ A Super High Speed Download!

5 Alasan terhadap pilihan tersebut:

+ Mereka Cute2, Aumm!
+ Nak Jumpe Org Korea!
+ Really! I Want it!haha
+ Of Coz! I've Been Saving to buy it, but better if someone just give it..hihi
+ Download Speed aku max 60kb/s je! Not Enough!

5 Impresi terhadap orang yang diminati:

+ errmmm
+ Impresi tu ape?
+ Tak phm Soklan a
+ Len kali a jwb
+ Hihi

5 Perkara hebat yang pernah dilakukan:

+ Bukak pintu Asrama B [locked], gune my bare FINGERS.. hihi [tade la hebat sgt]
+ Finished My Amigurumi on 2nd try, my 1st try turn out to be a small hat.
+ Menipoo Polis..mihihihi.."Im Innocent!"
+ Habes kan 10 Seasons [238 Episodes] of FRIENDS in 5 weeks!
+ Penah Random Call org Jepon, nuhh, Japan sane, tak men a Malaysia2 ni, da la terkene org mabok, aku hentam je la..haha

5 Ciptaan yang paling disukai (tidak semestinya melibatkan teknologi):

+ Manusie
+ Otak yg Genius
+ Computer
+ Internet
+ Movies

5 perkara yang dibenci:

+ Manusia yg byk Tanye
+ Kemas Umah
+ Barang2 aku org kaco/curik/amek wat harte senirik
+ Bile org tiru Menu aku nak makan, Copycat! haha
+ Bile org takleyh tgk aku bahagie

5 orang yang hendak ditag:

+ Ash
+ Nadiah
+ Zetty
+ Anip
+ Amni

Driving Lesson

Lesson 3
it's getting fun!

well... remember the post the Lesson 1? well, the girl i told you guys about, is there, today, in the same class with me too, and yeah, i sit behind her, again.

aku tau da name dy ape, Kai Er, dlm kelas tuh [pagi/Teori Motor], dy sorunk je cine, again... same like the last time, and technically, we're friends. dy peramah, n .. [me clueless] watever.

anyway, aku rapat gak a ngan dy, pegi mane2 ade je aku n dy [ceyh..padahal bru seharian duk ngan dy, bunyik cam tiap2 hari] then..we exchange phone number, YM, and then..aku lent dy my MP4, bla bla bla.. getting to know each other meh!

haha.. well.. i got lucky, that she introduce me to her bro! haha, me likey! i dont know why actually, but i'm sure enjoying it! on that day, which means less than 24 hours we clicked, her bro already called me, we chat for 48 sec, nothing much, just a lil talk, getting to know each other, bla bla bla [you know how much i had crush on chinese guy!] and then, she [Kai Er] already assume me n her bro a couple, she ask me to tell her bro "Wo Ai Ni" how crazy is that?

she told her bro that :

"if you want to meet her, you must come home la"
[her bro is in kuatan right now]

haha, and really..i dont know why, [even if she just goofing around, or wanted to trick her bro or watever..i dont care!...yet]

and her bro's name, Chu Xing, i definitely dont know how to call him, haha.

Rehat sebelom pegi ke litar, aku ngan Kai Er, n ade sorunk lagi, Melayu, Ezzah, duk kat tempat tunggu tu, patu, lepas habes kat litar, ayh Kai Er nak balik, kire dy kene duk situ a, patu dy ckp nak ikot aku balik umah, aku momantai, patu2, dy jumpe ngan agent dy, then tak jadi balik, tapi kol 2 lebeyh tuh, dy call aku, time tu aku kalot2 da nak pegi ngan moto ni, dy ckp dy da cop jari, aku pon makin a kalot2, then aku start moto, dy call lagih, ckp, dy save tempat kat aku, cool, then sampai je, aku dpt masok trus, tayah kene que cop jari. haha

Kelas Teori keter la ni, dy pon amek motor n keter gak. aku ade ckp kat dy aku tak reti bawak motor regular motor tuh, patu tadi aku dtg nek motor, dy pon ckp aku tipoo dy yg aku ckp aku tak reti nek motor, patu aku ckp

"I didnt lie, i cant ride motor, really, but yeah, Motor Scooter/Ego, I can"

ok, baru la ade 2-3 other girl, chinesse, and OMG, they talk n talk n talk, n me stare , stare, and stare at them, i dont understand a thing they say! [of coz!]

Kai Er sat infront the girl that on my left side, the girl's name is Elaine Lee Shu Xin, call her Elaine, she's cute, really, and lemah lembut je, kalo Kai Er ni macam boyish sket a.

and girl depan aku, name dy Cheung hape ntah, tapi fulamak..cam model, pakai baju kaler2, biru kuning merah, rambot blonde Rachel, n tinggi, mekap, bulu mate palsu, n lawa a overall, tapi, [there's always but] dy tak peramah sgt ngan org, dy ade gak ckp2 ngan Kai Er, sket2, tu pon bile Kai Er yg tego dulu

n Technically, i'm in a group of chinesse, huhu

tgh2 Kai Er borak2 ngan Elaine tu, aku blink2 je, then Kai Er ckp kat aku sumething in chinesse :

Kai Er : Ni pu ming pai maa
Me : Hey I know that! you said that i dont understand, right?[reallu, speaking meh!]
Kai Er : Woaa..you're so clever, what else do you know
Me : Wo pu che tao *Means "I dont know"..really*

haha.. Elaine have a BF, and very sweet that her BF come and pick her up at the Driving Class.

i did get Elaine's MSN, and yeah, she got mine too, but not phone numeber, maybe i should ask Kai Er he phone number.

well, if i got something more, i tell you guys!

Capture it!

sharing some stuffs

ok, aku nak show, photo2 yg aku snap, yg aku rase cam cool gile, and macam art-ish gile... haha.. tell me what you think meh?

*Hand Model : Yuta*

*Ass Model : Yura [hahaha]*

Pulau Redang View

Hand Model : Nuyu [aku]

Hand Model : Me again

*My Stabilo Pens Collections*

*Another Ver. of Yura's A** pict* [haha]

looks like somewhere in Miami, right? haha

Click on the picts, for larger version, and better

"what can i say" post is a bad post!

Bad Post!
i feel bad writing such thing

If you happened to read the previous post before i removed it, forget about it, just keep it to yourselves, hihi, we cannot blame anyone, and really, i'm feel mad at the time, that i jot down every little thing that comes to my head,

looking back at me, i see me as a rebellious person, well, as much as you guys read in my blog, that's all in my mind, only the inside, i never burst out, telling ppl how i feel about them, or "sumpah seranah" them like i did in this blog, trust me, i'm far away such a keeper, i keep it to my self, and diary or less private place to jot, a blog, are the place i pour it into.

i might write something real bad about certain person, but doesnt mean i'm such a laser-mouthed girl *mulot lazer, miahahaha*

well..i might post some at midnight, so..see ya!

p.s : for those who wondering what is it with the previous post, just let it be, a mystery..hihi

Driving Lesson

Lesson 2
the test

well, lemme tell you the whole story of the day

Pagi :-

5.00 : terbangun, kes Gong Chan n Ty Lung gocohs
5.02 : Tido Balik
6:30 : Bgun, Alarm henset "Suboh!" bunyik, jln huyung hayang pegi bilik mak, deactivate alarm umah, n amek wujud, solat la suboh.
6:45 : masak nasi, rebus ikan [for kucem meh]
6:50 : Turun bwh, Amek suar kt dlm mesin basoh, then masokkan dlm dry-er [cne ek eje?], set time, 20 min
7.oo : Tido jap
8.25 : Terkejut, kes dgr Yura belari2, then ckp phone, Ayh aku tepon dr Viet, kes nak igtkan aku aku ade Test Bercomputer arini, of coz la aku igt, aku ckp nak pegi kol 9.00 nnt. we'll see
8.30 : Temenung depan pc, tonton utorrent downloading, turun naik, turun naik
8.45 : still temenung, ngantok
9.00 :Bagi makan nasik kucem, nasik gaol ngan ikan rebus, kat kandang kucem a,
9.15 : Bergerak, pegi mandi
9.30 : siap2 da sume2, nak tunggu K.Hajar [i'll tell you next time ,who] then, dy bwk balik makanan, n makan jap, then, turun, nak start motor.
9.50 : motor da start, just nak check dlm beg, sume stuff cukop ke, IC, Buku Text, Pitis,bla bla bla... tetibe, IC tak jumpe, tade dlm purse elokiti!
9.53 : Nek balik umah, moto still running, masok bilik, cri rate2
10.08 : Jumpe da! dlm beg gak senanye, kat poket len.
10.10 : Ready to go
10.15 : Sampai kat tempat test, errm, baru prahsan minyak da nak habes, on thought, nnt balik baru isi, kes tadi nmpk botol minyak tuh mcm ade sket lagi
10.18 : Bagi IC kat kaunter, then, tunggu
10.45 : Still menunggu
11.15 : Still Menunggu
11.45 : Tgk Jam, still berdiri, n still menunggu

Tghhari :-
12.00 : bru kene pggel, but, bru amek number of turn, which is number 4, at the time, number 30, lepas another 30, bru kire dr number 1 balik, so which means, i have to wait for another 33 numbers. Pakcik tu pesan soh dtg kol 2, so, aku prepare to blah
12.15 : Number of turns to ilang, cari rate2, heeeee... kalot nye pasal, last2 jumpe gak, jatoh belakang rak, naseb bek
12.20 : Blah balik umah
12.30 : Tonton Friends! yay!
1.00 : Still menonton Friends, Another Episode
1.45 : Tak sempat habis the 1 hour episode, aku siap2 nak pegi balik kat tempat test, solat n turun bawah nak isi minyak moto
2.00 : Terprasan the Minyak moto, 'is not actually minyak moto/petrol'. tepon ayh aku kat viet jap, [haha] then , for sure, ayh aku ckp bukan, hahaha, mujo terletak sket je,
2.15 : Start moto, n pegi balik, fingers crossed moge2 sempat sampai.
2.20 : Sampai, n on the right time, mase to org number 3 baru kene panggel, so, keje nye, wait je la, alang2 wat latihan jap
2.35 : Number was called, pegi.. n masok dlm, bce doa byk2, kes arini byk mende aku stumbling kes nak dtg sini, kalo fail gak, sie2 je.
2.40 : Terkial2 nak isi number IC, haha, bru dpt masokkan
2.45 : Start pekse, bce satu2, siyesly,
3.05 : Siap jwb sume, recheck,
3.15 : Amek result, kuar, n Alhamdulillah, aku pas, 43, nyaris2 nak gagal
3.20 : Blah pegi kedai kopi/runcit kat depan masjid, beli minyak moto
3.30 : byr sume2, siap, then blah balik umah, pakcik warong tu ckp, aku masokkan minyak 4t kat tangki minyak moto ak, haha, which is, bak kate pakcik tuh, minyak slender, tatau apemende tuh,
3.45 : Lepak2 ngan kucem, sambil sambung tgk citer friends tadi, yg balance 15 min ,
4.00 : sambung episode lain plak,
5.00 : tertido, ngan kucem2 sekali


x the end x

mls nak citer the next thing, kes bohsan gile...haha..
n mlm tuh, dkt2 kol 8.00, aku tules post Valentine tuh,
n Minoh n Nael ckp, sedeyh, lebeyh2 lagih part kat spital tuh, perrghh, aku time taip tu pon aku rase cam nak nges sket2..

Valentine's on the house!

14th Feb
a "memorable" day,

of coz! it's Valentine's! well, aku bukan actually "sambot" Valentine, but still, 14th Feb, is such a "memorable" day, for us, i mean, my whole big family.

"Miwa's Smile Forever, Malaysia, Valentine's Day, 1999"

pekataan tu ter"cetak" di dada2 bju biru yg di handout kan beberape minggu selepas 14 feb 1999, aku time tuh, darjah 3, cluless, tatau ape2 pon, but i'm pretty sure, on that "Romantic" day for all the loving couple in the universe, someone we love the most is gone. Gone far away from us. that we would never meet again.

Today, 14th Feb 2009, it's exactly 10 years that Mama Miwa had pass away, dy la mak sedare [sabet] yg paling baik, always eager to learn something new, rajin, [of coz! she's japanesse, pure japanesse!] , and warok bg a 5 years old Muslim, a loving parent [ to yuta = son, yura = daughter ], a very good wife, and she's beautiful. yeah, her smile, is the sweetest thing about her.

She was married to my mom's Bro, [of coz, my pok sedare], a 1st marriage for her, and 2nd for him, she took care of his daughter [from 1st marriage] like her own, and yeah, as you guys probably know, that she never get to parent yura as she died a week after yura was born [7th Feb 1999], and yeah, yura is living with my family, and never get to see her mother, not even once, in her whole life, and yuta, live his meaningful 5 years with his beloved mom.

Yuta (now 15)

Yura (now 10)

at a very young age, 35 or 37 [ i cant remember], Mama Miwa [full name : Nur Farashila Miwa/Miwa Horimoto] meninggal dunie kes darah tinggi, time mengandong, or something like that.

well, aku igt lagi, time arwah aja kitorg [aku n the sibling] bahse jepon, kitrg sorg2 siap satu buku, and duduk meniarap depan dy, and tye je ape2 yg nak tau dlm bhse jepon. of coz, she said i was a good learner, well, at age 5 , i can count 1-10 in japp! how's that? hahaha..

then, kalo atok jepon [Obachan n Ojichan] anta hadiah kat yuta [from japp], dy tak kedekut, dy bagi2 gak kat sepupu2 yg len [owh, aku n yuta n yura was cousin, now we're adopted sibs] and kalo dy jahet teddy bear kat yuta, of coz dy akan wat satu kat aku, [dy mmg suke menjahet, and dy suke beg, sejibik mcm yura]

and kalo yuta nanges nak ape2 ke, and time tuh dy tgh masak ke busy ke cntu a, dy nyanyi lagu doremon kat yuta, patu soh yuta pegi tgk tv, haha.

and and, igt lagi basikal dy yg ade palang kaki kat belakang, for yuta to ride, and dy salu nek basikal tuh, pegi mane2, esp. time dy duk Trg, kat kampung Telage Mengkudu, n dtg umah aku kat Padang Midin, nek basikal, angkot yuta sekali...

and time K.chik [kakak aku, Nora] and Che' ngah [Cousin] tgh men Badminton kat luar umah aku, [yg lame], and then, Shuttelcock [btol ke aku eje?] tu jatoh atas bumbong. then Che' Ngah "encourage" kakak aku soh panjat amek, and then one thing leads to the other, time kakak aku nak turon tuh, tgn dy macam pecahkan cermin tingkap, and luke kat bhagian siku, mcm pjg n dlm gak, then Arwah yg semangat rawat luke tu gune 1st aid yg ade. haha, n still, the scara live longer than human. [what am i thinking??]

and and, time, dorunk pindah Melake, Ayer Itam, time dy bwk yuta pegi taman, and yuta terhantok ke terjatoh, patu dy call sape ntah n ckp "Help!Yuta kepala putus" [nanchatte] which is actually, kepale dy luke sket, pecah ke cne, byk number gak jahet, haha, that cracks me up! hahaha

and and, time, mase dy koma, n time tuh just sorg pelawat at the time je allowed masok, and bile turn aku, aku tgk je dy, nafas, kuat, n time tu leher/tengkok dy mengembang, besar, and creepy, aku lari trus kuar.

and yuta salu tye, *time tu dy umo 5 tahun*:

"nape mama tido dlm hospital? nape lame sgt mama tido?"

[something like that] and, and sume senyap je. [kot, hey! i was 9!]

and2 time, Che' Ngah, [the daughter from the 1st marriage], ckp2 ngan dy, time dy koma, [well, supersticiously ppl said they *the coma person* will actually listen to us talking to them, well, i believe it, really] , Che' Ngah ckp :

"Mama, Bangun la, abah da belikan mama topi biru besar yg mama suke tuh, for Valentine..."

[something like that] and suddenly her heart's beep racing from 98 to 108 n 120 n++++ [well, i wasn't actually there, but that's the story i heard] and lil did we know that she never gets to wear the hat on Valentine.

and bile time kronik sgt da dy, [doc ckp 50-50 for mother n daughter, ntah hape2 doc, oh well, time tu hospital Melaka tgh byk kes kecuaian] mak aku ckp, dy da start berdarah, kat tinge, hidong ,mate [kot, tatau]...

and next, doc ckp kat mak aku, dy da tade, mak aku hampir pitam, [sedeyh!]

and then, sume berkumpol kat tempat mandi mayat tuh, yuta is absolutely cluless, and the detail yg dy salu citer kat aku, yg time tuh dy pgg botol Coca Cola, and nanges2 and mengamok, and tye "nape mama tak bgun2? nape mama mcm santa?" [time tuh org cover half of her face ngan kapas, nmpk cm janggot santa, still, something like that] and bapak dy try to calm him down.

and for the last time, ak nak kucup dahi dy, tgk muke dy pucat, and sejok je, and walopon aku 9 tahun je time tuh, aku tau, this will be the last time to see her, bile aku lean over nak kucup dahi dy tuh, trus crying like a river....[isk isk]..that's it, the moment of truth.

Lepas drpd tuh, Yuta salu ckp, "Kalo lah Yuta tahu yg Nasi Goreng tu nak bunuh mama [mak dy drh tinggi, makan masin2, i mean nasik tu "ter" masin, time preg]..Yuta takkan bagi mama makan", well, ain't no way we can turning back time, fella.

* erm..aku tak byk capasity memory utk igt byk2, tapi nnt kalo ade, aku edit a balik [mcm la aku rajen sgt nak edit] *

well, there's never be Valentine for us [of coz], and we will always LOVE on Valentine's day,


One Sweet Day -Mariah Carey (Ft. Boys II Men)

Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say
And now it's too late to hold you
'Cause you've flown away
So far away

Never had I imagined
Living without your smile
Feeling and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive

And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Eventually I'll see you in heaven

Darling, I never showed you
Assumed you'd always be there
I took your presence for granted
But I always cared
And I miss the love we shared

And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Eventually I'll see you in heaven

Although the sun will never shine the same
I'll always look to a brighter day
Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep
You will always listen as I pray

And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day


huhu, testing2 new learned code


Testing2, yeah! jadi! thanks to aiqha zetty for letting me know, i'm gonna use this a lot! haha

Capture it!

Another Picts Time!
one leads to the other...

aku rase, mostly pictures aku, base on FOODS! well, yeah! aku tau makan je, hahaha,

Public Mutual 2009 Branch Annual Awards Nite

held at Pulau Duyung, Hotel Heritage ke hape name, haha, lawa gak tempat dy

First Serve, Sea Weed Tea. eww, pahit!

Four Seasons Combination, ntah hape2, tabest! haha

Hot and Sour Sup, Also tabest, Chinesse Menu, maybe cine2 je yg berkenan, But not ME

*patu aku da stop take pictures, kes ade pakcik larang aku amek gmbr makanan, dy ckp tak bek , btol ke? btol la sgt, kejam pakcik tuh!! aaaaa, ikot aku a, bapak ak bayar meja tuh, ikot suke a, uhukk, *

last2, aku balik ngan pakcik tu gak, haha, sekali ngan bini beliau a.. kes mak n ayh aku ade meeting, blah awal. Sebelom balik, take a stroll around jap, landscaping lawa

*BTW, aku boleyh je nak ikot mak ayh aku balik je trus, tapi, aku nak tunggu grand lucky draw, and as usual, aku unlucky, hahaha, BAD LUCK!*

*damn you "LUCKY" draw*

*wat malu aku je, semangat tanak balik ngan ayh aku kes nak tunggu lucky draw, screw you again lucky draw!*

Pulau it is! haha

Capture it!

It's Picts Time!
malas nak citer pjg2, let the picts tell the story

banner for pictures-post, get used to it

Celebrating Yura's 10th Bday at Restoran Puribali

what a nice place!

with lot's of lots of foods! woo! i like it! hahaha

iced blended choclolate, with volcano-like shape,
really, it leaks when you didn't drink it..haha

me with my nu style [refer to my nu year resolution post], wat do you think?
kakak aku la aja cni, ke korunk rase taseswai?

mcm cute je..haha [prahsan]

that's it, the end!

What a Day!! (ver.3)

But, It's not me
tapi bukan aku,

*ikat rambot jap* *get ready* *picit2 jari jap* *on my mark, get se, GO!*

aku jumpe abg sizzling arini, haha, aku mmg da ckp kat mak aku, aku tanak da pegi sne da, haha, tapi mak aku nak pegi gak, terpakse la bertembung, hahaha, tade pape, tu je nak ckp, gile lame aku kene duk situ, kes, mak aku nak tgk citer Ku Milik Mu sampai habes [kes kitorang sampai sne tepat2 time citer tuh start] then, aku a bit moody arini, haha, kes abg tu smoking! [ofcoz he's SMOKINGLY hot, but not that "smoking" , smoke cigar la mek], then dy borak2 ngan 2 gadis freehair, well, nothing much to say, aku msg minoh every movement of him, haha, then, that's it, sampai takat tuh aku crush dy, next, it's over, he's just my rebound thing, well, last time, aku crush abg lengan panjang, budak form 6 kat skul aku, hahaha, mmg sume org yg aku crush aku kasik nme pelik2... [kes aku tatau name la mek!].. well..at last aku tau gak la name abg lengan pnjang tu, errmm..*bu neng shou de mimi* la maa! [unspeakable secret, hebat tak aku speaking manderin?] mane leyh bg tau! haha, next abg ape lagi jadi target aku? huhu.. [aku ni mmg la, a real playgirl! haha] anyway, this time is short-post, kes nadiah da tules pjg2, sal msg yg dy dpt, insaf gile akuh, [btw, nadiah, aku dpt gak msg tuh, scary doh!] [tak pasal2 kes nadiah tules pjg2 aku takleyh tules pjg..haha] gtg! nite2!


Driving Lesson

Lesson 1

ok, on 9th Feb 2009, aku, buat kali keduenye mamasukki kelas KPP, yg amat membohsankan bagi aku, kes, i've been there.

let's start with, the Penceramah, the 1st one, is very fimiliar, i seems to see his face a lot, but not quite remember it where...but that dont bother me so much, maybe just for a lil bit....then.. moving on ppl,

the 2nd one, kinda trying-so-hard-to-be-funny-but-cocky guy [kejam punye ayat] but yeah, he FAQ is really bothering me, and he really is an amature in speech/talk/ceramah/watever you called it.. coz he's frequently using the same phrase, jokes, and he's kinda talk so much than teaching...and that's so boring. dy mcm byk citer sal bas, aku tatau la nape kan, tapi, mmg over gile a ckp pasal bas je memanjang, nak kate aku nak amek lesen bas, takde la plak, tapi siyesly, dy mmg byk ckp sal bas. aku rase dy ade bas kot, or maybe dy under satu syarikat bas gak kot, aku bukan men accuse je, aku wat analisa gak [interest dy ttg bas buat aku curious, you know me!] hear me out here!
  1. Dy ade tye, kemalangan lately banyak sabetkan bas, so bas jenis yg cne yg byk terbabet? so budak2 ni pon jwb "bas express", patu dy potong trus, ckp, "jgn sebot name company bas kat sini, kang ade org maroh" so aku assume, dy ade kawan, or dy sendiri under bas express nye company.
  2. Dy ckp [maybe fakta betol, but who knows?] Kemalangan jln raye ni... byk sabet2 ngan bas, [btol3] , tapi [there's a but] byk yg dikalangan bas2 sewa, cth : bas pelancongan, bas sekolah, bas kilang, bas rombongan, blablablablabas
  3. Dy amat menegaskan bhwe, bas yg berjadual [cntohnye bas yg kite naik KL-K.TRG tu la] , amat displin, and dy tau kalo trip nak pegi KL, probably bas tu benti kat mane2, cntu a, kire, dy nak ckp, pemandu bas ni, berhemah, benti sokmo, rehat, kat RnR, so , that's explain the analisa yg pertame, uhukk.
  4. Dy byk sebot pekataan bas
ntah hape2 aku wat analisa, tapi, kesemue penceramah2 [ade 1 lagi] ni, sume kutok pompuan, tu yg tak tahan tu, watever it is the fact that ppl made up, aku pegi kelas tu, aku byr, bukan nak dgr tomahan tak berpendidikan dr org org cntu, tahik tol [say watever you want, but that's not helping]

next! cegu ni okay, lawak yg menjadi [maybe kes lawaknye disambot oleh pendgr, i mean, dpt sambutan, walopon tak brape lawak, aku tak gelak pon, aku menyonteng, FRIENDS coffee place tuh la] and nothing more to say..

next comes the best part, the attendance, the ppl who is in the same class, that make us classmate?? i dont know, but..there's some story to tell

ade chinese ni [huhu..aku minat benar ngan chinese2 ni] girl actually, name remain unknown, not that attractive, but to me, she is, [her being "chinese" is my interest] well, aku mmg da lame nak kwn ngan chinese ni, tapi tak berkesempatan, [except last time when a chinese guy who works at ogawa was hitting on me, hahaha] aku try to get close to her

aku ni bek hati, kire 2 in 1 a, nak kawan ngan dy, n really, aku mmg baik hati. kelas tu 5 jam , and class to gile punye sejok, girl ni pakai bju lengan pendek, n duduk exactly bwh aircond, and aku duk belakang dy, aku tgk dy shivers, a lot of time, aku pon handout a note, says:

"Miss, Need sumthing to warm ur arms? i got handsock if you want"

aku take a lot of courage to write her that, it takes me about 30mins, to think samade aku ptot kasik ke tak, aku nye handsock [which is brandnew, and i always had it in my handbag, and it's attractive too] tetibe, pompuan tu tak balas, lame gak dy senyap je lepas aku handout kertas tu, aku merah padam da muke aku ni, geram gak, wat malu aku je, i try to be nice, aku pon nyesal kes "try to be nice" thing end up sucks! then, a-lot minutes later, dy pusing belakang, kasik kertas tu balik kat aku, aku bace, and shockingly it says:

"Stranger, no thanks, thanks for your goodness anyway, bye"

aku absolutely accept all the waords she wrote, but not the word "Stranger" thing, basically, early before the class, we had a few chat, try to bond, and i help her a lot, really, she was nice, and me too [ofcoz], aku kat belakang tu, habes sumpah seranah da [dlm hati a] buku nota tu h habes aku conteng ngan kate2 kesat dlm bentuk korean characters a, patu bile aku tgk dy shivers, aku pon ckp,

"pdn muke, mati a ko 3 jam dlm sejok cani" [dlm hati gak]

aku mcm marah a, kalo dy bgun amek borang ke hape kat depan, aku berpure2 [ceyyhh..BM mantap!] toleh belakang la, cek beg la, tanak face her a, konon, nak act cool and open minded a, kire bunyik cam "tanak sudah"..cantu a

then, kelas over, ade cegu handout kertas, soh tande tgn a, bile sampai je turn aku [sepatotnye] kene sign, budak2 laki keparat kerumun amek kertas tu away, aku mcm bengang a, girl tuh pon tak sign gak lagi, dy pon gagah berani bgun, then headed to budak2 laki tuh, then tggu kertas tuh kat situ, aku ni nak balik je tau, aku wat muke tensi, then, bile girl tu dpt je kertas tuh, dy kasik kat aku dulu sign, haha, aku terkezot gak, maybe dy bernada baik kot time dy reply aku tuh, aku act innocent a, aku wat tatau lagih, aku sign, then prepare to bla, dy right behind me, patu, dy pon tye aku,

"sape kasik kertas/note tadi tuh?"

HAHAHAHAHA...rupenye dy tatau sape yg kasik, patot la dy ckp stranger, maybe kalo dy tahu tu aku, maybe dy willing to pinjam kot, [it's brandnew! i swear] aku ckp la "it's me" patu dy ckp, "you ade handsock eh" aku pon, "a'a" , try to run from the awkward situation, aku remain silence, and getting awkward, hahaha, aku cop jari, then blah, lil did i know that, she's actually wonder if guys give her that note, haha, i dont know.haha..end of story, kinda awkward, real awkward, but really, i feel relief . haha

another post of the day~

Driving is Sucks!
but cars are cool!

*forget about the last post, it sucks, well..aku just fell like writing, try to find the mood, you know...
well..moving on ppl!!*

huu, snin ni baru aku start nak amek kelas drive, and i know, it's normal, but i hate it already!
hahahah, clearly! the girl at the counter is really dumb n stupid, well, mostly rude,why not, ade ke patot, tepon aku, n cakap lebeyh kurang je ngan aku.. something like ..:

counter girl (c.g) : Hello?
aku : Hello
C.g : awok Nurul Ain ke?
aku : yeap..speaking
C.g : da makpe saye tepon awok dari tadi awok xangkat?? (sore ala2 tensi)
(Hello... no introduction..really? this is how you treat customer?)
aku : owh, phone silent mood,
C.g : ni dr pusat Bitara, awok punye lesen KPP expired doh, awok takleh booking test computer, awok kene amek kelas balik
aku : hah? (terkezot actually, bukan mengom & dumb)
C.g : Awok nye lesen KPP expired, awok dgr x saye ckp ape??
aku : (dlm hati : what a bitch, ckp mcm da lame kenal) Ye, so? amek kelas balik, 200 aritu burn a? okay.. fine..

and so on, okay, i might know that before she called, but helllloooooo...!!! dont need to talk like that...??!! stupid girl!

huhu, actually aku daftar driving like, 19 dec 2007, haha...tapi ye a, aku sekolah, kinda busy, and i hate driving class, and wat-so-ever tup tup da 2009, bru teringat, so kene wat balik, [clearly] n rm200 daftar kelas KPP aritu, burn, byr sekali lagih, then , masok balik kelas yg urrghh, bohsan gile tuh, dr kol 8 sampai kol 5 ptg, ntah hape2, n it started on 9th Feb, i wanted this to ended fast! go go! fast! hahahha..

aku amek ni pon kes mak aku nak kasik keter, perrgghh, tayah cakap a, aku directly refuse to let her get me one, but really, she insist on getting me one, fuuuuhh, i got no choice, i have to take the license then, anak yg taat, haha..[poyo la katekan, alaa, ade org kate aku poyo..mengaku je la]

wish me luck, anyway..


What is BLOG?

What is BLOG really means?
we'll see

well, lately, there's somebody who gets busy-body enough about "people-who-don't-really-accept-a-total-stranger-to-come-n-comment-in-their-blog-like-they- know-each-other-for- a-very-long-time" kinda of thing, well, the "people" is actually me [clearly] , the "somebody" is actually, well, obviously i had to keep it as a secret [like its a crystal clear that the "somebody" commenting on the shoutmix box actually] *you guys can totally check him out actually, go go!*

well, maybe is it just me or the blog is really "just for fun" and maybe for "certain ppl" that we want them to know what actually happened to us like long distance friends, old friends, relative, or clearly someone we know, or maybe "random ppl" that interested in our story of the life, and wanted to be friend with us, but exactly not like come by and randomly comment on our shoutmix, and was like wanted some cheap publicity that will link us to his/her blog anyway, [opps, is that too "straight to the point"?]

okay, maybe that "somebody" might have thought that they just really interested in our blog, but, they dont go and put a comment like they have been searching for our shoutmix, and link us to them [again], isn't that too obvious? that is so desprate! [sorry for harsh word, but, really] like we dont know that they just wanted us to drop by their blog? that's so annoying, okay, maybe that "somebody" is too desprate, but hey, use your brain dude, be friends first, comment nicely, treat ppl like you want them to treat you, like, get to know each other "propally".. that's it, such a waste of time to write about this annoying ppl..really.

anda terase? taipkan ON TERASE dan hantarkan ke hanphone anda sendiri..kesian